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Wikipedians are the people who write and edit articles for Wikipedia. There are currently 192 confessed contributors. This arguably makes a community - see Wikipedia commentary/The Wikipedia Community.

Here is a list of all the contributors who have put their name on this list. There are no particular requirements for Wikipedians' personal pages; some people write up bios, some don't; some Wikipedians maintain a private catalogue of their work, some don't. We begin with lists of people by place and by time of arrival, followed by a complete listing. I.e., please, if you put your name on a place listing such as /Australians, don't neglect also to include your name on the main list.

Listing by country:

Please list yourself both by your nationality and also by your place of current residence! E.g., if John has moved to the U.S. from Ireland, he can put himself in both places at once (if he wants to). If you list yourself here, please also list yourself on the complete alphabetical listing, below.
/Republic of Ireland
/The Netherlands
/New Zealand
/South Africa
/United Kingdom
/United States
We just started the above listing--if your country isn't listed, add it!

Historical Listing

If you add yourself here, please make sure you also do so on the alphabetical listing below.

Complete (i.e., people of all nationalities) alphabetical listing

  1. Ajdecon
  2. Alan Millar
  3. Alex
  4. Alan D
  5. Amir
  6. Anarres
  7. Anatoly Vorobey a.k.a. AV
  8. Anders Torlind
  9. Andre Engels
  10. Andy Jewell
  11. Andy Leighton
  12. The Anome
  13. Ap #April
  14. arcade
  15. Arco Scheepen
  16. AstroNomer
  17. Atlas 2091
  18. AxelBoldt
  19. AyeSpy
  20. Belltower
  21. Berek
  22. Bignose, a.k.a Ben Finney
  23. BlackGriffen
  24. BlckKnght
  25. Bob Waller
  26. Bomfog
  27. Brant Eaton
  28. BruceMiller
  29. Brussee
  30. Bryan Derksen
  31. BryceHarrington
  32. Buttonius
  33. Buzco
  34. Carey Evans
  35. Cayzle
  36. Cdani
  37. Chuck Smith, 400th confessed contributor of Wikipedia
  38. clasqm
  39. ClaudineChionh (the Wikipedian formerly known as Claudine)
  40. CliffordAdams, author of UseModWiki
  41. Cmontpla
  42. Coasting
  43. CorinneLightweaver
  44. Creaktop
  45. The Cunctator
  46. D. Joe Anderson
  47. Dachshund
  48. Damian Yerrick, whose faux pas ultimately resulted in the creation of this geographic system
  49. DanKeshet
  50. Dave McKee
  51. DaveRaftery
  52. Dick Beldin, author of much statistics
  53. DigitalSorceress
  54. Dmerrill
  55. DonNoyes
  56. Don Kenney
  57. DrBob
  58. dreamyshade
  59. Drj
  60. Dweir
  61. Ed Poor
  62. Eean
  63. EdwardOConnor
  64. the Epopt
  65. ErdemTuzun
  66. Eob
  67. Eventi
  68. Flavor
  69. Gareth Owen
  70. General Wesc
  71. Gerald Squelart
  72. Geronimo Jones
  73. Gimbo
  74. Goochelaar
  75. Greg Carter
  76. Greg Lindahl
  77. Hank Ramsey
  78. hornlo (loh)
  79. Ian
  80. Invictus
  81. J Hofmann Kemp a.k.a. JHK
  82. Jagged
  83. JamieTheFoool
  84. Janet Davis
  85. Jason Scribner
  86. Jerry Muelver
  87. Jimbo Wales, the other cofounder of this great project
  88. Jimbosworldorg
  89. Jlnd
  90. John Lynch - a.k.a. Jmlynch
  91. Joao
  92. John Abbe
  93. Jorge Tamayo
  94. Josh Grosse
  95. JoshFuller
  96. Jpmartin
  97. JStoddW
  98. Jtnelson
  99. Kajtek
  100. KlausSeistrup
  101. Koyaanis Qatsi
  102. Kowloonese
  103. Kragen
  104. Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz
  105. Kvikeg
  106. LA2
  107. Larry Sanger, a.k.a LMS, cofounder of Wikipedia and editor-in-chief of Nupedia
  108. LC
  109. Lee Daniel Crocker
  110. LinusTolke
  111. LunoMat
  112. Magnus Manske
  113. Malcolm Farmer
  114. Manning Bartlett
  115. Marco Maggesi
  116. Mark Christensen
  117. Mark Jeays
  118. Masher
  119. Mathijs
  120. Matt Stoker
  121. Merry
  122. MemoryHole.com
  123. MichaelTinkler
  124. Mike Dill
  125. Mincus
  126. Nafai
  127. Neeklamy
  128. Nemo/TheWikipedian - Don't be too Anemophobic.
  129. NickelKnowledge
  130. No Fear
  131. Nolan Eakins
  132. ODiV
  133. OpenSourced
  134. OprgaG
  135. Orcalover
  136. Oskar Flordal
  137. P0ppe
  138. PaulDrye
  139. Pemerson
  140. Pguiral
  141. Phil Bordelon
  142. Pinkunicorn
  143. Qaz
  144. RaviDesai
  145. Ray Van De Walker
  146. RedMabuse
  147. RichardKulisz
  148. RjLesch
  149. Robert Merkel
  150. Rob Salzman
  151. Robbe
  152. RoseParks
  153. sachachua
  154. SamWilson
  155. Sandor Kunyik
  156. sandos
  157. Scott Gallagher-Starr
  158. Scott neil
  159. Seb
  160. Shamenize
  161. Simon J Kissane
  162. sjc
  163. Sjn28
  164. sodium or 'Na'
  165. SoniC
  166. Stocky?
  167. StefanRybo
  168. Stephen Gilbert a.k.a. STG
  169. Stuart Presnell
  170. Suzanne Elsasser
  171. Swatiananda?
  172. Tangfan
  173. Tomasz A. Wegrzanowski (Taw)
  174. TedDunning
  175. Theresa Knott
  176. Tim Chambers a.k.a. Tbc
  177. TimShell, to whom we owe all the stuff on Atlas Shrugged so far
  178. Tobias Hoevekamp
  179. Tom Smith
  180. Tom Bäckström
  181. Trimalchio
  182. Trixium
  183. Tsja
  184. Tuomas Toivonen
  185. TwoOneTwo
  186. Uriyan
  187. verloren
  188. Vicki Rosenzweig
  189. Vulture?
  190. Wathiik
  191. WillWilkinson
  192. Asa Winstanley
  193. WojPob
  194. Xaonon
  195. Yooden
  196. Zoe
  197. Zundark
  198. Peter Winnberg


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Last edited December 19, 2001 12:57 pm by Chuck Smith (diff)