Wikipedians are the people who write and edit articles for
Wikipedia. There are currently 192 confessed contributors. This arguably makes a community - see
Wikipedia commentary/The Wikipedia Community.
Here is a list of all the contributors who have put their name on this list. There are no particular requirements for Wikipedians' personal pages; some people write up bios, some don't; some Wikipedians maintain a private catalogue of their work, some don't. We begin with lists of people by place and by time of arrival, followed by a complete listing. I.e., please, if you put your name on a place listing such as /Australians, don't neglect also to include your name on the main list.
Listing by country:
- Please list yourself both by your nationality and also by your place of current residence! E.g., if John has moved to the U.S. from Ireland, he can put himself in both places at once (if he wants to). If you list yourself here, please also list yourself on the complete alphabetical listing, below.
- /Australia
- /Canada
- /Denmark
- /Finland
- /Germany
- /Hungary
- /Republic of Ireland
- /Israel
- /Italy
- /The Netherlands
- /New Zealand
- /Norway
- /Poland
- /Portugal
- /South Africa
- /Spain
- /Sweden
- /Turkey
- /United Kingdom
- /United States
- We just started the above listing--if your country isn't listed, add it!
If you add yourself here, please make sure you also do so on the alphabetical listing below.
Complete (i.e., people of all nationalities) alphabetical listing
- Ajdecon
- Alan Millar
- Alex
- Alan D
- Amir
- Anarres
- Anatoly Vorobey a.k.a. AV
- Anders Torlind
- Andre Engels
- Andy Jewell
- Andy Leighton
- The Anome
- Ap #April
- arcade
- Arco Scheepen
- AstroNomer
- Atlas 2091
- AxelBoldt
- AyeSpy
- Belltower
- Berek
- Bignose, a.k.a Ben Finney
- BlackGriffen
- BlckKnght
- Bob Waller
- Bomfog
- Brant Eaton
- BruceMiller
- Brussee
- Bryan Derksen
- BryceHarrington
- Buttonius
- Buzco
- Carey Evans
- Cayzle
- Cdani
- Chuck Smith, 400th confessed contributor of Wikipedia
- clasqm
- ClaudineChionh (the Wikipedian formerly known as Claudine)
- CliffordAdams, author of UseModWiki
- Cmontpla
- Coasting
- CorinneLightweaver
- Creaktop
- The Cunctator
- D. Joe Anderson
- Dachshund
- Damian Yerrick, whose faux pas ultimately resulted in the creation of this geographic system
- DanKeshet
- Dave McKee
- DaveRaftery
- Dick Beldin, author of much statistics
- DigitalSorceress
- Dmerrill
- DonNoyes
- Don Kenney
- DrBob
- dreamyshade
- Drj
- Dweir
- Ed Poor
- Eean
- EdwardOConnor
- the Epopt
- ErdemTuzun
- Eob
- Eventi
- Flavor
- Gareth Owen
- General Wesc
- Gerald Squelart
- Geronimo Jones
- Gimbo
- Goochelaar
- Greg Carter
- Greg Lindahl
- Hank Ramsey
- hornlo (loh)
- Ian
- Invictus
- J Hofmann Kemp a.k.a. JHK
- Jagged
- JamieTheFoool
- Janet Davis
- Jason Scribner
- Jerry Muelver
- Jimbo Wales, the other cofounder of this great project
- Jimbosworldorg
- Jlnd
- John Lynch - a.k.a. Jmlynch
- Joao
- John Abbe
- Jorge Tamayo
- Josh Grosse
- JoshFuller
- Jpmartin
- JStoddW
- Jtnelson
- Kajtek
- KlausSeistrup
- Koyaanis Qatsi
- Kowloonese
- Kragen
- Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz
- Kvikeg
- LA2
- Larry Sanger, a.k.a LMS, cofounder of Wikipedia and editor-in-chief of Nupedia
- LC
- Lee Daniel Crocker
- LinusTolke
- LunoMat
- Magnus Manske
- Malcolm Farmer
- Manning Bartlett
- Marco Maggesi
- Mark Christensen
- Mark Jeays
- Masher
- Mathijs
- Matt Stoker
- Merry
- MichaelTinkler
- Mike Dill
- Mincus
- Nafai
- Neeklamy
- Nemo/TheWikipedian - Don't be too Anemophobic.
- NickelKnowledge
- No Fear
- Nolan Eakins
- ODiV
- OpenSourced
- OprgaG
- Orcalover
- Oskar Flordal
- P0ppe
- PaulDrye
- Pemerson
- Pguiral
- Phil Bordelon
- Pinkunicorn
- Qaz
- RaviDesai
- Ray Van De Walker
- RedMabuse
- RichardKulisz
- RjLesch
- Robert Merkel
- Rob Salzman
- Robbe
- RoseParks
- sachachua
- SamWilson
- Sandor Kunyik
- sandos
- Scott Gallagher-Starr
- Scott neil
- Seb
- Shamenize
- Simon J Kissane
- sjc
- Sjn28
- sodium or 'Na'
- SoniC
- Stocky?
- StefanRybo
- Stephen Gilbert a.k.a. STG
- Stuart Presnell
- Suzanne Elsasser
- Swatiananda?
- Tangfan
- Tomasz A. Wegrzanowski (Taw)
- TedDunning
- Theresa Knott
- Tim Chambers a.k.a. Tbc
- TimShell, to whom we owe all the stuff on Atlas Shrugged so far
- Tobias Hoevekamp
- Tom Smith
- Tom Bäckström
- Trimalchio
- Trixium
- Tsja
- Tuomas Toivonen
- TwoOneTwo
- Uriyan
- verloren
- Vicki Rosenzweig
- Vulture?
- Wathiik
- WillWilkinson
- Asa Winstanley
- WojPob
- Xaonon
- Yooden
- Zoe
- Zundark
- Peter Winnberg