[Home]Malcolm Farmer/Test

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Difference (from prior minor revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 1a2,252
1903 --
1980 --
401k --
Aachen --
Abner --
Acorn --
Acropolis --
Acupuncture --
Adder --
Adirondacks --
Aeneas --
African Lily --
Aga Khan III --
Aga Khan I --
Agamemnon --
Agapetus II --
Agapetus I --
Agasias --
Agate --
Agathon --
Agesilaus II --
Agincourt/Talk --
Agis --
Agnes Of Meran --
Agni --
Agrippina the Elder --
Agrippina the Younger --
Agrippina the elder --
Agrippina the younger --
Ahenobarbus --
Ahmad Shah --
Ahmed III --
Ahmed II --
Ahmed I --
Aidan of Dalriada --
Aidan of Lindisfarne --
Ailanthus --
Aimoin --
Ainu --
Aix-la-Chapelle --
Aix --
Ajax --
Ajax the great --
Ajax the lesser --
Akkad --
Alaric --
Alaric II --
Albategnius --
Albertus Magnus --
Albion --
Alboin --
Alcaeus --
Alcamenes --
Alcidamas --
Alcmene --
Aldhelm --
Aldine Press --
Aldred --
Alexander --
Alexander Aetolus --
Alexander Balas --
Alexander Cornelius --
Alexander Emanuel Agassiz --
Alexander III --
Alexander III of Russia --
Alexander III of Scotland --
Alexander II --
Alexander II of Epirus --
Alexander II of Russia --
Alexander II of Scotland --
Alexander IV --
Alexander I --
Alexander I of Epirus --
Alexander I of Russia --
Alexander I of Scotland --
Alexander Jannaeus --
Alexander Obrenovich --
Alexander Severus --
Alexander VIII --
Alexander VII --
Alexander VI --
Alexander V --
Alexander of Aphrodisias --
Alexander of Battenberg --
Alexander of Greece --
Alexander of Pherae --
Alexander of Poland --
Alexandrists --
Alexis --
Alexius III --
Alexius II --
Alexius I --
Alphonso D Albuquerque --
Amaranth --
American Chinese cuisine --
Antonio Agliardi --
April 13 --
Arthur Aikin --
Aspirin --
Awk programming language/Talk --
BPP --
BQP --
Baptist/Talk --
Baseball Hall of Fame --
Cajun cuisine --
Cantonese cuisine --
Cantor set --
Cardinal/Talk --
Cardinal --
Cardinal number/Talk --
Cardinal number --
Cardinal numbers --
Cardinality --
Cardinals --
Charybdis/Talk --
Charybdis --
Chinese Islamic cuisine --
Chinese buddhist cuisine/Talk --
Chinese buddhist cuisine --
Chiuchow cuisine --
Christoph Ludwig Agricola --
Chuck Yeager --
Claudius --
Co-NP --
Codex/Talk --
Conjecture --
Cooking/Talk --
Denarius --
Docetism --
Drachma/Talk --
Drachma --
Erasmus Alberus --
Field/Talk --
Formal grammar --
Fortified wine --
Francois Aguillon --
Fred Hoyle --
Freenet/Talk --
Freenet --
French cuisine --
Galeazzo Alessi --
Georg Agricola --
Germanicus --
Gil Alvarez De Albornoz --
Giovanni Aldini --
Girolamo Aleandro --
Giulio Alberoni --
Giulio Alenio --
Gnosticism/Talk --
Gnosticism --
Gospel of Barnabas/Talk --
Gospel of Barnabas --
Gregor Aichinger --
Hakka cuisine --
Henry Ainsworth --
Hernando De Alancon --
Herod Agrippa II --
Herod Agrippa I --
Hilberts tenth problem --
Hindu --
Hunan cuisine --
IP --
Iff --
Indian cuisine --
Internet protocol --
JRR Tolkien/Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age --
January 21 --
Japanese cuisine --
Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz --
Jellaladin Mahommed Akbar --
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger --
Johannes Agricola --
John Alden --
July 12 --
Klondike --
Korean cuisine --
Leone Battista Alrerti --
Logical fallacy/Talk --
Longship --
Louis Aleman --
Luigi Alamanni --
Magnetism/Talk --
Mandaeanism --
Mandarin cuisine --
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa --
Mariotto Albertineili --
Matiyasevichs theorem --
Modulo arithmetic --
Nag Hammadi --
Niels Henrik Abel --
Noam Chomsky/Colorless green ideas sleep furiously --
Noam Chomsky/Talk --
Noam Chomsky --
November 5 --
Oracle machine --
PC --
Paint/Talk --
Parthenon/Talk --
Pathak --
Payoff matrix/Talk --
Payoff matrix --
Peter Jones --
Photoresist --
Phrenology/Talk --
Phrenology --
Pope Alexander III --
Pope Alexander II --
Pope Alexander IV --
Pope Alexander I --
Pope Alexander VIII --
Pope Alexander VII --
Pope Alexander VI --
Pope Alexander V --
Pulsar/Talk --
Quantum computer --
Radiation --
Recusancy --
Rices theorem --
Rodolphus Agricola --
Rouse History of Mathematics/Open letter --
Saint Agnes --
Sambo/Talk --
Sambo --
Sandbox/Test1 --
Savate --
Scylla/Talk --
Scylla --
Sextus Julius Africanus --
Shanghai cuisine --
Slingman --
Snooper --
Solitaire/Talk --
Solitaire/Terminology --
Solitaire --
Soul food --
Strawman --
Sydney/Talk --
Syrinx --
Szechuan cuisine --
Taiwanese cuisine --
Temple in Jerusalem --
Thai cuisine --
Thoinot Arbeau --
University of Sydney --
Vermouth --
Vietnamese cuisine --
Vinland --
War of the Polish Succession --
Wikipedia commentary/Making fun of Britannica --
Wizard Of Space And Time --

Changed: 3c254,256
Describe the new page here.

Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia --Please update as needed

1903 -- 1980 -- 401k -- Aachen -- Abner -- Acorn -- Acropolis -- Acupuncture -- Adder -- Adirondacks -- Aeneas -- African Lily -- Aga Khan III -- Aga Khan I -- Agamemnon -- Agapetus II -- Agapetus I -- Agasias -- Agate -- Agathon -- Agesilaus II -- Agincourt/Talk -- Agis -- Agnes Of Meran -- Agni -- Agrippina the Elder -- Agrippina the Younger -- Agrippina the elder -- Agrippina the younger -- Ahenobarbus -- Ahmad Shah -- Ahmed III -- Ahmed II -- Ahmed I -- Aidan of Dalriada -- Aidan of Lindisfarne -- Ailanthus -- Aimoin -- Ainu -- Aix-la-Chapelle -- Aix -- Ajax -- Ajax the great -- Ajax the lesser -- Akkad -- Alaric -- Alaric II -- Albategnius -- Albertus Magnus -- Albion -- Alboin -- Alcaeus -- Alcamenes -- Alcidamas -- Alcmene -- Aldhelm -- Aldine Press -- Aldred -- Alexander -- Alexander Aetolus -- Alexander Balas -- Alexander Cornelius -- Alexander Emanuel Agassiz -- Alexander III -- Alexander III of Russia -- Alexander III of Scotland -- Alexander II -- Alexander II of Epirus -- Alexander II of Russia -- Alexander II of Scotland -- Alexander IV -- Alexander I -- Alexander I of Epirus -- Alexander I of Russia -- Alexander I of Scotland -- Alexander Jannaeus -- Alexander Obrenovich -- Alexander Severus -- Alexander VIII -- Alexander VII -- Alexander VI -- Alexander V -- Alexander of Aphrodisias -- Alexander of Battenberg -- Alexander of Greece -- Alexander of Pherae -- Alexander of Poland -- Alexandrists -- Alexis -- Alexius III -- Alexius II -- Alexius I -- Alphonso D Albuquerque -- Amaranth -- American Chinese cuisine -- Antonio Agliardi -- April 13 -- Arthur Aikin -- Aspirin -- Awk programming language/Talk -- BPP -- BQP -- Baptist/Talk -- Baseball Hall of Fame -- Cajun cuisine -- Cantonese cuisine -- Cantor set -- Cardinal/Talk -- Cardinal -- Cardinal number/Talk -- Cardinal number -- Cardinal numbers -- Cardinality -- Cardinals -- Charybdis/Talk -- Charybdis -- Chinese Islamic cuisine -- Chinese buddhist cuisine/Talk -- Chinese buddhist cuisine -- Chiuchow cuisine -- Christoph Ludwig Agricola -- Chuck Yeager -- Claudius -- Co-NP -- Codex/Talk -- Conjecture -- Cooking/Talk -- Denarius -- Docetism -- Drachma/Talk -- Drachma -- Erasmus Alberus -- Field/Talk -- Formal grammar -- Fortified wine -- Francois Aguillon -- Fred Hoyle -- Freenet/Talk -- Freenet -- French cuisine -- Galeazzo Alessi -- Georg Agricola -- Germanicus -- Gil Alvarez De Albornoz -- Giovanni Aldini -- Girolamo Aleandro -- Giulio Alberoni -- Giulio Alenio -- Gnosticism/Talk -- Gnosticism -- Gospel of Barnabas/Talk -- Gospel of Barnabas -- Gregor Aichinger -- Hakka cuisine -- Henry Ainsworth -- Hernando De Alancon -- Herod Agrippa II -- Herod Agrippa I -- Hilberts tenth problem -- Hindu -- Hunan cuisine -- IP -- Iff -- Indian cuisine -- Internet protocol -- JRR Tolkien/Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age -- January 21 -- Japanese cuisine -- Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz -- Jellaladin Mahommed Akbar -- Johann Georg Albrechtsberger -- Johannes Agricola -- John Alden -- July 12 -- Klondike -- Korean cuisine -- Leone Battista Alrerti -- Logical fallacy/Talk -- Longship -- Louis Aleman -- Luigi Alamanni -- Magnetism/Talk -- Mandaeanism -- Mandarin cuisine -- Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa -- Mariotto Albertineili -- Matiyasevichs theorem -- Modulo arithmetic -- Nag Hammadi -- Niels Henrik Abel -- Noam Chomsky/Colorless green ideas sleep furiously -- Noam Chomsky/Talk -- Noam Chomsky -- November 5 -- Oracle machine -- PC -- Paint/Talk -- Parthenon/Talk -- Pathak -- Payoff matrix/Talk -- Payoff matrix -- Peter Jones -- Photoresist -- Phrenology/Talk -- Phrenology -- Pope Alexander III -- Pope Alexander II -- Pope Alexander IV -- Pope Alexander I -- Pope Alexander VIII -- Pope Alexander VII -- Pope Alexander VI -- Pope Alexander V -- Pulsar/Talk -- Quantum computer -- Radiation -- Recusancy -- Rices theorem -- Rodolphus Agricola -- Rouse History of Mathematics/Open letter -- Saint Agnes -- Sambo/Talk -- Sambo -- Sandbox/Test1 -- Savate -- Scylla/Talk -- Scylla -- Sextus Julius Africanus -- Shanghai cuisine -- Slingman -- Snooper -- Solitaire/Talk -- Solitaire/Terminology -- Solitaire -- Soul food -- Strawman -- Sydney/Talk -- Syrinx -- Szechuan cuisine -- Taiwanese cuisine -- Temple in Jerusalem -- Thai cuisine -- Thoinot Arbeau -- University of Sydney -- Vermouth -- Vietnamese cuisine -- Vinland -- War of the Polish Succession -- Wikipedia commentary/Making fun of Britannica -- Wizard Of Space And Time -- autogenerated

Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia --Please update as needed

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Last edited August 28, 2001 7:55 pm by 147.188.60.xxx (diff)