[Home]African Lily

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AFRICAN LILY (Agapanthus umbellatus), a member of ' the natural order Liliaceae, a native of the Cape of Good ' Hope, whence it was introduced at the close of the 17th ' century. It is a handsome greenhouse plant, which is hardy ' in the south of England and Ireland if protected from severe ' frosts. It has a short stem bearing a tuft of long, narrow, ' arching leaves, 1/2 to 2 ft. long, and a central flower-stalk, 2 ' to 3 ft. high, ending in an umbel of bright blue, funnel-shaped ' flowers. The plants are easy to cultivate, and are generally ' grown in large pots or tubs which can be protected from frost in ' winter. During the summer they require plenty of water, ' and are very effective on the margins of lakes or running ' streams, where they thrive admirably. They increase by ' offsets, or may be propagated by dividing the root-stock ' in early spring or autumn. A number of forms are known in ' cultivation; such are albidus, with white flowers, aureus, ' with leaves striped with yellow, and variegatus, with leaves ' almost entirely white with a few green bands. There are ' also double-flowered and larger and smaller flowered forms. ' '

Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia -- Please update as needed

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