ALEXANDER AETOLUS, of Pleuron in Aetolia, Greek poet and
man of letters, the only representative of Aetolian poetry,
flourished about 280 B.C. When living in Alexandria he was
commissioned by Ptolemy Philadelphus to arrange the tragedies
and satyric dramas in the library; some ten years later he
took up his residence at the court of Antigonus Gonatas,
king of Macedonia. His reputation as a tragic poet was so
high that he was allotted a place in the Alexandrian tragic
Pleiad; we only know the title of one play (Astragalistae.)
He also wrote short epics, epigrams and elegies, the
considerable fragments of which show learning and eloquence.
Meineke, Analecta Alexandrina (1853); Bergk, Poetae
Lyrioi Graeci; Couat, La Poesie alexandrine (1882).
Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia -- Please update as needed