[Home]Biology basic topics/Talk

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**viruses : DNA viruses -- RNA viruses -- Retroviruses
**prokaryotes : bacteria
**eukaryotes : fungi -- plants -- animals
**protista (protozoa)
**animalia (metazoa?)
*the cell (cell biology)
**components : proteins -- enzymes -- amino acids -- lipids
*organelles etc.
**membranes : plasma membrane -- [mitochondrial membrane]? -- receptor?s
**ribosomes -- endoplasmic reticulum -- Golgi apparatus -- nucleus -- cytoplasm -- vacuole -- vesicle -- mitochondrion -- endomembrane system -- lysosome -- peroxisome -- chloroplast
*genetics : haploid -- diploid -- homozygote -- heterozygote -- DNA -- RNA -- transcription -- translation -- [transcriptional regulation]? -- plasmid -- chromosome -- [DNA replication]? -- [genetic regulation]? -- promoter -- enhancer? -- mutation -- allele -- locus -- genotype -- phenotype -- [Mendels laws of genetics]? -- gene -- nucleosome -- histone
*cellular reproduction : mitosis -- meiosis -- centromer
*[biochemical pathway]?s and stuff : protein biosynthesis -- metabolism -- [cellular respiration]? -- Citric acid cycle -- photosynthesis -- signal transduction
*developmental biology : embryo? -- gamete -- morphogenesis -- Drosophila?
*scientific methods / lab techniques : PCR -- [PCR mutagenesis]? -- Primer -- chromosome walking -- RFLP -- restriction enzyme -- sequencing -- cloning
*biologists : Charles Robert Darwin -- Alfred Russel Wallace -- Jean Lamarck -- Sir Charles Lyell -- Alexander Fleming -- Robert Koch -- Konrad Lorenz -- Ernst Haeckel -- [Theodor Bilharz]? -- Marcello Malpighi -- [Anton Leeuwenhoek]? -- [Thomas Malthus]? -- Jenner? -- Carolus Linnaeus (or [Karl von Linne]?) -- [Sewall Wright]? -- Louis Pasteur -- Gregor Mendel -- James Watson -- Francis Crick -- Kary Mullis -- [Craig Venter]?
*organs / tissues and cell types : neurons? -- eye -- [blood cell]? -- [skin cell]? -- [muscle cell]? -- [immune cell]? -- stem cell -- brain
*Biology Divisions: Anatomy -- Biochemistry -- Biophysics? -- Bioinformatics -- Biotechnology -- Botany -- [Cell Biology]? -- Ecology -- Evolution -- Genetics -- Immunology -- [Marine Biology]? -- Microbiology -- Molecular Biology -- Mycology? -- Parasitology? -- Photobiology? -- Phycology? -- Physiology -- [Plant physiology]? -- Radiobiology? -- [Structural biology]? -- Taxonomy -- [Theoretical biology]? -- Virology? -- Zoology
*stuff : antibiotic -- foot-and-mouth-disease? -- xenobiology -- cryptobiology? -- Amino acid -- peptide -- polypeptide -- peptide bond -- primary structure -- secondary structure -- [alpha helix]? -- [beta sheet]? -- tertiary structure -- [disulfide bridge]? -- quaternary structure -- C-terminus? -- N-terminus? -- denaturation -- [chaperone protein]? -- inducibility? -- prokaryote -- eukaryote -- DNA -- nucleus -- cytoplasm -- cytosol -- organelle -- -- [surface area-to-volume ratio]? -- endoplasmic reticulum -- rough ER -- ribosome -- smooth ER -- cisterna? -- [transport vesicle]? -- [nuclear lamina]? -- chromosome -- chromatin -- Golgi apparatus -- [cis face]? -- [trans face]? -- lysosome -- [hydrolytic enzyme]? -- apoptosis -- vacuole -- mitochondrion -- [cellular respiration]? -- ATP -- cristae? -- [inner matrix]? -- [intermembrane space]? -- photosynthesis -- thylakoid? -- grana? -- stroma? -- peroxisome -- microtubulus? -- tubulin? -- cilium? -- flagellum? -- dynein? -- centriole? -- centrosome? -- microfilament? -- actin? -- [intermediate filament]? -- keratin? -- [Fluid mosaic model]? -- [phospholipid bilayer]? -- [transmembrane proteins]? -- [peripheral protein]? -- glycolipid? -- glycoprotein? -- [transport protein]? -- diffusion -- [concentration gradient]? -- equilibrium? -- [passive transport]? -- osmosis -- [facilitated diffusion]? -- [active transport]? -- [cotransport metabolism]? -- catabolism? -- anabolism? -- kinetic energy -- potential energy -- [free energy]? -- [exergonic reaction]? -- [endergonic reaction]? -- ATP -- ADP? -- phosphorylation? -- enzyme -- [activation energy]? -- substrate? -- [active site]? -- [competitive inhibition]? -- [non-competitive inhibition]? -- [allosteric site]? -- [feedback inhibition]? -- [cooperativity cellular respiration]? -- oxidation -- reduction -- [redox reaction]? -- glycolosis? -- [pyruvate oxidation]? -- Krebs cycle (or Citric acid cycle) -- [electron transport chain]? -- glucose -- [substrate level phosphorylation]? -- [oxidative phosphorylation]? -- [decarboxylation reaction]? -- [acetyl CoA]? -- FAD? -- FADH2? -- [ATP synthase]? -- chemiosmosis? -- [proton-motive force]? -- fermentation -- aerobic? -- anaerobic? -- ethanol -- [lactic acid autotroph]? -- heterotroph? -- chlorophyll -- stoma? -- [light reactions]? -- NADPH? -- photophosphorylation? -- [electromagnetic energy]? -- visible light -- wavelength -- photon -- [absorption spectrum]? -- [chlorophyll a]? -- [photosystem I]? -- [photosystem II]? -- [non cyclic electron flow]? -- [cyclic electron flow]? -- [Calvin cycle]? -- RuBP? -- G3P? -- photorespiration? -- [C4 photosynthesis]? -- [CAM photosynthesis]? -- [carbon fixation]?
antibiotic -- foot-and-mouth-disease? -- xenobiology -- cryptobiology? -- Amino acid -- peptide -- polypeptide -- peptide bond -- primary structure -- secondary structure -- [alpha helix]? -- [beta sheet]? -- tertiary structure -- [disulfide bridge]? -- quaternary structure -- C-terminus? -- N-terminus? -- denaturation -- [chaperone protein]? -- inducibility? -- prokaryote -- eukaryote -- DNA -- nucleus -- cytoplasm -- cytosol -- organelle -- -- [surface area-to-volume ratio]? -- endoplasmic reticulum -- rough ER -- ribosome -- smooth ER -- cisterna? -- [transport vesicle]? -- [nuclear lamina]? -- chromosome -- chromatin -- Golgi apparatus -- [cis face]? -- [trans face]? -- lysosome -- [hydrolytic enzyme]? -- apoptosis -- vacuole -- mitochondrion -- [cellular respiration]? -- ATP -- cristae? -- [inner matrix]? -- [intermembrane space]? -- photosynthesis -- thylakoid? -- grana? -- stroma? -- peroxisome -- microtubulus? -- tubulin? -- cilium? -- flagellum? -- dynein? -- centriole? -- centrosome? -- microfilament? -- actin? -- [intermediate filament]? -- keratin? -- [Fluid mosaic model]? -- [phospholipid bilayer]? -- [transmembrane proteins]? -- [peripheral protein]? -- glycolipid? -- glycoprotein? -- [transport protein]? -- diffusion -- [concentration gradient]? -- equilibrium? -- [passive transport]? -- osmosis -- [facilitated diffusion]? -- [active transport]? -- [cotransport metabolism]? -- catabolism? -- anabolism? -- kinetic energy -- potential energy -- [free energy]? -- [exergonic reaction]? -- [endergonic reaction]? -- ATP -- ADP? -- phosphorylation? -- enzyme -- [activation energy]? -- substrate? -- [active site]? -- [competitive inhibition]? -- [non-competitive inhibition]? -- [allosteric site]? -- [feedback inhibition]? -- [cooperativity cellular respiration]? -- oxidation -- reduction -- [redox reaction]? -- glycolosis? -- [pyruvate oxidation]? -- Krebs cycle (or Citric acid cycle) -- [electron transport chain]? -- glucose -- [substrate level phosphorylation]? -- [oxidative phosphorylation]? -- [decarboxylation reaction]? -- [acetyl CoA]? -- FAD? -- FADH2? -- [ATP synthase]? -- chemiosmosis? -- [proton-motive force]? -- fermentation -- aerobic? -- anaerobic? -- ethanol -- [lactic acid autotroph]? -- heterotroph? -- chlorophyll -- stoma? -- [light reactions]? -- NADPH? -- photophosphorylation? -- [electromagnetic energy]? -- visible light -- wavelength -- photon -- [absorption spectrum]? -- [chlorophyll a]? -- [photosystem I]? -- [photosystem II]? -- [non cyclic electron flow]? -- [cyclic electron flow]? -- [Calvin cycle]? -- RuBP? -- G3P? -- photorespiration? -- [C4 photosynthesis]? -- [CAM photosynthesis]? -- [carbon fixation]?

Restriction-fragment-length polymorphism and legume are basic topics, but artificial selection and insect are not?
Hey, it's wikipedia. I had to add all but one (I think) of the entries with the format [{culture group} art] in the Visual arts basic topics section (letter A only). Still, it's a nice start. --MichaelTinkler

I just moved these topics from a list of topics I found linked from a subpage of the Biology page. Probably, that list wasn't intended as a list of basic topics, and perhaps I shouldn't have redirected that subpage to this page. Anyway, by all means edit this list, please! --LMS
That biology subpage was from me, but this place is better. Anyway, as that list is almost covered, it will have to grow. Should we just add topics, or structure them a little? [1] might serve as an example, and as a source for new "basic topics". --Magnus Manske
I made a preliminary list of topics. Please choose what is "basic" and what is not, and copy it to the "real" page. --Magnus Manske

antibiotic -- foot-and-mouth-disease? -- xenobiology -- cryptobiology? -- Amino acid -- peptide -- polypeptide -- peptide bond -- primary structure -- secondary structure -- [alpha helix]? -- [beta sheet]? -- tertiary structure -- [disulfide bridge]? -- quaternary structure -- C-terminus? -- N-terminus? -- denaturation -- [chaperone protein]? -- inducibility? -- prokaryote -- eukaryote -- DNA -- nucleus -- cytoplasm -- cytosol -- organelle -- -- [surface area-to-volume ratio]? -- endoplasmic reticulum -- rough ER -- ribosome -- smooth ER -- cisterna? -- [transport vesicle]? -- [nuclear lamina]? -- chromosome -- chromatin -- Golgi apparatus -- [cis face]? -- [trans face]? -- lysosome -- [hydrolytic enzyme]? -- apoptosis -- vacuole -- mitochondrion -- [cellular respiration]? -- ATP -- cristae? -- [inner matrix]? -- [intermembrane space]? -- photosynthesis -- thylakoid? -- grana? -- stroma? -- peroxisome -- microtubulus? -- tubulin? -- cilium? -- flagellum? -- dynein? -- centriole? -- centrosome? -- microfilament? -- actin? -- [intermediate filament]? -- keratin? -- [Fluid mosaic model]? -- [phospholipid bilayer]? -- [transmembrane proteins]? -- [peripheral protein]? -- glycolipid? -- glycoprotein? -- [transport protein]? -- diffusion -- [concentration gradient]? -- equilibrium? -- [passive transport]? -- osmosis -- [facilitated diffusion]? -- [active transport]? -- [cotransport metabolism]? -- catabolism? -- anabolism? -- kinetic energy -- potential energy -- [free energy]? -- [exergonic reaction]? -- [endergonic reaction]? -- ATP -- ADP? -- phosphorylation? -- enzyme -- [activation energy]? -- substrate? -- [active site]? -- [competitive inhibition]? -- [non-competitive inhibition]? -- [allosteric site]? -- [feedback inhibition]? -- [cooperativity cellular respiration]? -- oxidation -- reduction -- [redox reaction]? -- glycolosis? -- [pyruvate oxidation]? -- Krebs cycle (or Citric acid cycle) -- [electron transport chain]? -- glucose -- [substrate level phosphorylation]? -- [oxidative phosphorylation]? -- [decarboxylation reaction]? -- [acetyl CoA]? -- FAD? -- FADH2? -- [ATP synthase]? -- chemiosmosis? -- [proton-motive force]? -- fermentation -- aerobic? -- anaerobic? -- ethanol -- [lactic acid autotroph]? -- heterotroph? -- chlorophyll -- stoma? -- [light reactions]? -- NADPH? -- photophosphorylation? -- [electromagnetic energy]? -- visible light -- wavelength -- photon -- [absorption spectrum]? -- [chlorophyll a]? -- [photosystem I]? -- [photosystem II]? -- [non cyclic electron flow]? -- [cyclic electron flow]? -- [Calvin cycle]? -- RuBP? -- G3P? -- photorespiration? -- [C4 photosynthesis]? -- [CAM photosynthesis]? -- [carbon fixation]?

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Last edited October 31, 2001 3:39 am by Magnus Manske (diff)