[Home]Feature requests/Top priorities

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Added: 54a55,56
* Anchors (HTML standard) to jump around in a page! Often the text shouldn´t be split but retain its flow, and yet have some navigation and structure, e.g. "contents"

Top priorities: really important features we still don't have


Articles sorted by size - so i know where the articles that need work are.

Articles sorted by inverse date (show oldest first) - just so I can do a sanity check on things that might have been overlooked.

Articles sorted by number of revisions (lowest first} - If it never got revised, it probably needs work unless Larry wrote it. :) -- mike dill


I second that, and propose that its placement be made a user preference: top, bottom, or both. --Gimbo

Report features and automation

Naming conventions

This is already a feature of UseMod 0.92, which is currently in use by the international Wikipedias. When we get around to updating the software here as well, that will come along. --LDC

Wikipedia distribution etc.

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Last edited November 25, 2001 11:54 am by Grasso (diff)