[Home]History of Cell wall

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Revision 6 . . (edit) December 9, 2001 7:48 am by Bryan Derksen [fixed inconsistent header level]
Revision 5 . . (edit) December 9, 2001 7:21 am by Taw [format fix]
Revision 4 . . December 9, 2001 7:04 am by Bryan Derksen [a few more details about bacterial cell walls, added fungal cell walls]
Revision 3 . . December 8, 2001 6:40 pm by Magnus Manske [This is one of the most pitiful entries of the biology section IMHO.]
Revision 2 . . September 11, 2001 2:12 am by Sodium [initial entry]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
The cell wall is a feature of bacteria and plant cells.
The cell wall is a feature of bacteria, plant cells, and fungal cells.

Changed: 7c7,11
Cell walls of bacteria are primarily used for protection against hostile envorinments or against the immune system of the host of pathogenic bacteria. It contains peptidoglycan, which can be made visible in gram positive bacteria by gram staining.
Cell walls of bacteria are primarily used for protection against hostile envorinments or against the immune system of the host of pathogenic bacteria. It contains peptidoglycan, which can be made visible in gram positive bacteria by gram staining. The cell walls of bacteria are also vital for containing the high [osmotic pressure]? inside bacterial cells caused by the high concentration of solutes? in the cytoplasm, which can often be as high as 15 atmospheres. Many antibiotics target the cell wall of bacteria, including penicillin and its derivatives.

Fungal cell walls

The cell walls of fungal cells are composed of chitin?, the same protein that gives strength to the exoskeletons? of insects. They serve a similar to those of plant cells, giving fungal cells rigidity and strength to hold their shapes.

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