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Hmm. 'go back to their roots'? In the city parks are there bogs for human sacrifice? We need to separate German Romantic Nature Esteem from the worship of forces of nature. They are different phenomenon, separated by considerable passage of time. --MichaelTinkler
"In the city parks are there bogs for human sacrifice? "
Don't give them ideas! <g> - clasqm
please explain (with sources): "In 1900 the concept of Woden was still current in Mecklenburg." By 1900, of course, the folklore movement was strong in Germany and anyone who hadn't heard of Woden already would have been able to read about him. Do you mean that illiterate peasants were still making offerings? Was it at the level of 'superstition' (that is, like avoiding 13 or halloween in most of America) or was it something more substantial? I edited out 'Rage' from the first description because it's irrelevant. I'm not at all sure that any modern German etymology is relevant - old Germanic, yes. --MichaelTinkler

I tinkered with this page to try and get it to sound remotely like English like what it is spoke ;-). However, I gave up. I would dearly love to crosslink an article on Wotan (and Woden too) with Odin, but frankly this is b*ll*cks, and would devalue the work Anders put in on it. Frankly this just needs to be gutted and reworked. Just my 2 groats worth. sjc

This entry is not supposed to be 'about German gods'. It is about Wotan. There is LOTS of extraneous material. --MichaelTinkler

Since no one else took me up on it, i've begun revising. This is an entry about Wotan, not about Germanic epic or Iceland. The Dietrich von Bern material is going to go next unless someone can explain why it might belong in this entry. --MichaelTinkler

To JHK A great many ancient Germanic customs have survived, despite the fierce attempts by the Catholic church to stamp out all "paganism", "heathenism". The best example is Christmas. The ancient Germanic tribes celebrated the winter solstice and rolled lit Tannenbaueme (pine trees) down hills. They lit candles all over their home to ward off evil spirits etc. Jesus's actual birthday is not known. But the church fixed it at the same time of the winter celebrations of the German people , because that is when they were celebrating already. That way they did not immediately discard the new ,often forced on ,religion. Somewhere earlier I had written , that Wotan was declared this crazy wild guy and Friia the redhaired witch (papal propaganda). In a letter from Germans in America from the 19 th c ( which I translated) , they still wrote about a certain woman, explaing she was "redhaired". And again the Baltic god Deiw (Dius, Deus), who was turned into the Deiwel (Teufel)or devil, in Scottish : Deil. H. Jonat

HJ, we know. And believe me, other people think badly of redheads without Nordic myth entering into it. The question is that since he was already called 'rage' can you actually get away with saying that this is 'papal propaganda' (which, by the way, is silly. The popes were not puppetmasters controlling evangelists. The Varangians and Rus became Orthodox rather than Roman Catholic, so there wasn't any pope involved in that conversion. The Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (the Collegium Propaganda Fide) wasn't founded until the 17th century, so to use the term propaganda about evangelization the way you do is anachronistic.). --MichaelTinkler

Here is what the Oxford English Dictionary provides for the etymology of Devil:

[OE. déofol, etc., corresponding to OFris. diovel, OS. diuul, -al, diobol, diabol, diuvil (MDu. düvel, dievel, Du. duivel, MLG., LG. düvel), OHG. tiuval, tioval, tiufal (Notker), diuval, diufal (Tatian, Otfrid), MHG. tiuvel,
tievel, tiufel, tiefel, Ger. teufel; ON., Icel. djöfull (Sw. djefvul, Da. djævel); Goth. diabaulus, diabulus, immediately a. Gr. , in Jewish and Christian use ‘the Devil, Satan’, a specific application of ‘accuser, calumniator, slanderer, traducer’, f. to slander, traduce, lit. to throw across, f. through, across + to cast. The Gr. word was adopted in L. as diabolus, whence in the mod. Romanic langs., It. diavolo, Sp. diablo, Pg. diabo, Pr. diablo, diable, F. diable; also in Slavonic, OSlav. diyavol, dyavol, etc. In Gothic the word was masc., as in Greek and Latin; the plural does not occur; in OHG. it was masc. in the sing., occasionally neuter in the plural; in OE. usually masculine, but sometimes neuter in the sing., regularly neuter in the plural deofol, deoflu; but the Northumbrian Gospel glosses have masculine forms of the plural. The Gothic word was directly from Greek; the forms in the other Teutonic langs. were partly at least from Latin, and prob. adopted more or less independently of each other. Thus ON. djöfull regularly represents an original diaulz. OE. díobul, déoful, déofol can also be referred to an earlier diaul, diavol (cf. It. diavolo), éo coming, through ío, from earlier ía. The OE. déo- would normally give modern d-, exemplified in 15th c., and in mod. Sc. and some Eng. dialects, but generally shortened at an earlier or later date to dev- or div-. In some, especially northern, dialects, the v was early vocalized or lost, leaving various monosyllabic forms, of which mod. Sc. deil, and Lancashire dule are types.

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Edited December 5, 2001 2:47 am by MichaelTinkler (diff)