Virgo lies between Leo to the west and the Libra to the east. The brightest stars are Spica (α Vir), Zavijah (β Vir), Porrima (γ Vir), Auva (δ Vir) and Vindemiatrix (ε Vir). Other fainter stars which were also given a name are Heze (ζ Vir), Zaniah (η Vir), Syrma (ι Vir) and Rijl al Awwa (μ Vir).
Because of the presence of a galaxy cluster within its borders, this constellation is especially rich in galaxies. Some examples are M49 (elliptical), M58 (spiral), M59 (elliptical), M60 (elliptical), M61 (spiral), M84 (elliptical), M86 (elliptical), M87 (elliptical and a famous radiosource), M90 (spiral), M104 (elliptical, also called the Sombrero Galaxy).
In some cosmologies, Virgo is associated with the classical element Earth, and thus called an Earth Sign (with Taurus and Capricorn). Its polar opposite is Pisces.