Is this from a copyrighted source? The phrase "No chapter on the Celts could fail to include " makes me wonder where it is from.
Yes, but the copyright was mine - and now wikipedia's. It's old lecture note material: I wrote it myself, but it was never published. Even so, I'll remove the phrase, thanks.
From Celtic Mythology:
"She reappears in Arthurian legend as Morgan le Fay,
that is, Morrigan the fairy."
Stated as a fact but without a cite. You're sure on this? How/Why?? Thanks.
- You're quite right to question this; the similarities are however remarkable. Both Morrigan and [Morgana le Fey]? were shapeshifters; both could fly and frequently assume the form of a raven or a crow; both were inciters of war amongst mankind. As a general observation I have no particular problem with it; if it comes down to issues with similarities in nomenclature, etc, then [Geoffrey of Monmouth]?'s own idiosyncratic take on reality has to be questioned here. sjc
clasqm, we certainly need to keep
Irish mythology distinct from Celtic Mythology; there are a great number of overlaps but not all a = b nor is necessarily all b = a. I would probably prefer that the gods are dealt with in distinct articles in their own right as per
Norse Mythology; do you have any problem with this?
Hi, sjc. No problem at all. I think CM can deal with the mythology of generic Celts wherever they found themselves, while IM can be specifically Irish. Perhaps someone will then later write something on Scottish mythology, Celtiberian mythology etc. Feel free to plunder CM for stub material, but I suggest leaving it there too. it's only a minor duplication ... clasqm
Hi, and many thanks. Let's see if we can get this as definitive as NM is on its way to becoming. sjc
This is looking good - I'm a big fan of the norse pages, and hope to eventually get around to working on the Roman (as opposed to the Greek-borrowings). --
Can anybody add pronunciation guides? They'd be useful here ans in several other places, but i'm not sure where to find them...
I'll see what I can do on this front. sjc
There are definitions of both Dagda and Morrigan in this page, and links to other pages with more detailed definitions. Should we have these definitions in both places, or should the names just appear here, with links to their definitions? -- corvus13
No, this is just work in progress and overlap between clasqm's original work and my desire to parallel other mythologies e.g. Norse Mythology in their treatment. We will straighten this out in the fullness of time (probably about 7 - 10 days at the present rate of progress). sjc