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Here is the page for Olivier Gérard also known as Oprgag.


Oddly enough, wiki seems to attract at least a few people quite close to my taste: keen on mathematics (and especially abstract algebra), linguistics (and especially syntax), and speaking French (but I cheat, this is my mothertongue), German, interested in Japanese, having studied Greek and Latin ...

A list: JoshuaGrosse, OprgaG, who''s next ?

I studied LatinLanguage?, and I'm keen on mathematics (StochasticProcesses?, RealAnalysis?), and I'm studying JapaneseLanguage? now. I'm idly interested in linguistics, but know nothing substantial about it. --JimboWales

Bon. Il semble logique que je commence un peu à mettre du français sur wiki. C'est vrai quoi. L'anglais est déjà assez présent sur le réseau.

'space available for comments'

A few formatting examples and tests









  1. numbered list
  2. second item
  3. etc..

Typewriting ?

 Preformated ? 




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Edited February 17, 2001 9:02 am by cobrand.bomis.com (diff)