Hello, Joshua....I am the wikipedian from whose MathematicalGrouP page you have taken off, mathematically speaking. I'd like to know more about you...
Hi! Unfortunately you picked someone on whom there's not to much to say. What do you want to know? I'm from Calgary, am currently at the UniversityOfWaterloo?. I've spent most of my life learning about things, but of course that doesn't mean I'm any good at writing about them. Mathematics is an old interest, which springs out of the discovery of graphs on a summer vacation...I actually bothered to plot x^3+y^3=1 by hand just to see it...these are all very old memories.
Q. One of the things I am wondering is if you, like myself, have an interest in/ facility for Mathematics, as well as Linguistics and Languages? It appears to be a somewhat unusual combination.
I definitely have an interest in both, and a facility for Mathematics. As for language ability I'm not so sure. I took French immersion early on and was good enough to think it fluently, but since then almost all of my vocabulary has been forgotten. Since then I've taken a little German, and am taking Latin, and again have trouble keeping a full vocab. At least when I got lost in Paris I could find my way.
Three things I really like are etymologies, phonetics, and alphabets. I wonder if you tend to go for the same things? My best friend's also good at math and languages, so either it's not so unusual or we just attract each other. :)
I have degrees in both Math and Linguistics. In Math, I like Abstract Algebra best; in Linguistics, I like Syntax best. Like you, I started French early, in third grade, and continued through college. I have also studied German, Latin, Greek, and Japanese. Latin and Greek are great tools if you are interested in English or Romance etymology. Picking up on your interest in phonetics, we could surely use your help at Nupedia in the Copyeditame-L and Pronounce-L lists, to help provide pronunciations for our articles. I hope I am not intruding with this last remark.
Of course you're not. As I said, I have copious amounts of free time on my hands. What exactly would that involve? (Btw, I suspect liking AbstractAlgebra best is almost as rare as math-linguistics - virtually everyone I know is an analysis fan).
At the moment we have Prounciation Guides for American English and British English. All articles to date are identified as written in one of these languages. As a member of Nupedia, you would have to sign-up for the Copyedit-L, Copyeditame-L and Pronounce-L lists. These are available for sign-up from your member page under Mailing Lists. Also, you would have to look at and get comfortable using our AME prounciation guide at: http://www.nupedia.com/pronguide.shtml You might be interested in the Copyeditbre-L list, as well. Here you need to look at and learn to use our BRE prounciation Guide at: http://www.nupedia.com/pronguidebre.html
We have at least one article, already posted and some in the works that have no pronunciations for unfamiliar words and foreign words, simply because there is no one to supply them, using these guides. Such articles can be found in the main page of Nupedia, under New Articles, and in the Copyediting area which you will find a link to, after logging in, on you member page. Look for articles in the Open Copyedit area. If you have any questions, feel free. As usual this is purely voluntary. RoseParks email: rose.parks@att.net