[Home]History of Search algorithm

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Revision 10 . . December 10, 2001 9:36 am by Taral [Tries exist!]
Revision 9 . . December 10, 2001 7:12 am by Taw [what is this 'trie' thing ?]
Revision 8 . . (edit) October 31, 2001 5:44 am by Kragen [Fixed link.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 9c9
There is a family of tree search algorithms that compare ordered keys with one another to see if they are greater or less; the simplest one uses a binary search tree; and there is a family of tree data structures known as tries (what is this trie thing ?) that don't compare keys with one another except at the end.
There is a family of tree search algorithms that compare ordered keys with one another to see if they are greater or less; the simplest one uses a binary search tree; and there is a family of tree data structures known as tries that don't require a key compare until the end of the search.

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