[Home]History of Britannica Public Domain

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Revision 14 . . November 24, 2001 5:25 am by Joao
Revision 13 . . (edit) November 24, 2001 5:24 am by Joao
Revision 12 . . (edit) November 23, 2001 8:16 am by Joao
Revision 11 . . November 23, 2001 8:15 am by Joao [Adabazar to Adventists]
Revision 10 . . November 23, 2001 6:49 am by Alan Millar [moved junk from "Old encyclopedia 1911"]
Revision 9 . . (edit) August 23, 2001 8:50 pm by Malcolm Farmer

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Added: 2a3,4
/Download? wikified articles

Removed: 111,115d112
Articles from an old encyclopedia (1911). To dowload the files use the right button of your mouse. The files were wikified with a PHP script that will be released soon.

:[Adabazar to Adventists] zip file about 220 kb
:[Aeacus to Aetius] txt file about 450 kb

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