A number of treaties regulate warfare, the most pervasive of those are the [Geneva conventions]?, the earliest of which began to take effect in the late 1800s. Treaty signing has since been a part of international diplomacy?, and too many treaties to mention in this scant article have been signed. A couple of examples are: Resolutions of the Geneva International Conference, Geneva, 26-29 October 1863 and [Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War]?, 75 U.N.T.S. 135, entered into force Oct. 21, 1950.
Dates (some approximate) | War |
1618 - 1648 | Thirty Years War. Ends with the Peace of Westphalia. |
1639 - 1652 | English Civil War. |
1718 | During a war on the Norwegian border, Swedish king [Karl XII]? is shot dead, after having waged several war campains on Russia in the previous decades. |
1754 - 1763 | Seven Years War, also known as the [French and Indian War]?, in the colonial United States. |
1774 - 1781 | American Revolutionary War with England. |
1809 | The war between Russia and Sweden wherein Sweden cedes Finland to Russia. |
1812-1814 | [War of 1812]? fought between the United States and England, a continuation of the American Revolutionary War |
1835 | Toledo War between US territory of Michigan and the US state of Ohio |
1846 - 1848 | [Mexican War]? between the United States and Mexico. |
1854 - 1856 | [Crimean War]?. |
1861 - 1865 | American Civil War in the United States of America. |
1898 | Spanish-American War |
1899 - 1902 | [Boer War]? in South Africa |
1905 | [Russo-Japanese War]? |
1912-1913 | The first and second Balkan wars are fought for control of the European territories of the Ottoman Empire. |
1914 - 1918 | World War I, primarily between countries in Europe. |
1936-1939 | Spanish Civil War |
1939 - 1945 | World War II. |
1950 - 1953 | Korean War. |
1964 - 1973 | Vietnam War. War between the U.S. backed regime in the South and innsurgent guerillas backed by the communist North . |
1967 | [Six Day War]? in Israel. |
1973-1974 | Yom Kippur War between Israel and Arab states. |
1990 - 1991 | Gulf War between Kuwait and Iraq. Many countries join, fighting for Kuwait. |
see also military, Military technology and equipment, Military History