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This page is directly created because those who feel Christian Mythology should include works such as the New Testament and Old Testament. I feel that if 'mythology' is an appropriate word for those works, then it is appropriate for most other scientific fields too. -- BenBaker
You make a valid point, but given the pro-science orientation of the wikipedia, it's unlikely that the mythology label will wind up applied equally to religion and science. I tried mentioning two different usages of mythology and someone put a disclaimer at the top of [religious mythology]? but this looks like a long war to me. I'm going to remain on the sidelines for this one. --Ed Poor

This is whacked. I appreciate your opinion that science can be wrong, but that doesn't make this npov. It's an incorrect use of the term mythology. Mythology, even when using the loose description of a story with symbolic and religious significance, doesn't apply to scientific findings, even if you disagree with them. Scientific theories are neither symbolic nor religious in nature. You can't go bending the language to suit your pet theories. Argue against using Christian mythology (and you might start by suggesting something better but still accurate), but don't argue for Scientific mythology which is bogus. --Dmerrill

The existence of the page seems reasonable; I came up with some real examples. The original contents, of course, is just malicious lies and has no place in honest discourse. --LDC

--- And mythology does not apply to religious beliefs. I don't believe you think that religious views are true. That is your choice. But your feelings or lack of belief does not change that they are true. My characterizing scientific views as mythology is not claiming they are false. I am merely taking the same approach that is being used on the Christian Mythology page, and you are reacting to it. Can it be that you are now able to understand how some Christians will react to that page? And yes. Scientific theories are religious and are symbolic when understood that Theology is the queen of the sciences, and all other sciences can only be understood in reference to Truth. By the way, LDC, characterising my examples as malicious and as lies is inflammatory, and beneath you.

 -- BenBaker

After seeing LDC's edit of the page, I changed my mind about whether there should be such an article. There are mythologies around the field of science. The initial article claimed that scientific facts such as evolution, or theories such as natural selection were in fact mythology, a baseless claim that seems prompted by malice. The stories now listed actually make sense here. --Dmerrill

Personally, I do like this page since there are a whole bunchs of stories about how science is done that are of dubious validity. Flame wars over nautral selection don't belong here, but incorrect popular beliefs about science and what scientists do, should belong here. It's also analogous to Christian mythology, questions about the divinity about Jesus don't belong on that page, but beliefs which are not supported by scripture do (i.e. Lillith). -- Chenyu
I added the interaction of the Catholic Church and Galileo which is much more complex than what is popularly believed. Also added the Catholic Church and the flat earth since the Church never held that the world was flat, and this story was created in the mid-19th century. -- Chenyu

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Edited December 15, 2001 3:22 am by Chenyu (diff)