[Home]Comic strip

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A short strip or sequence of comic drawings, telling a story and getting to a point or part of a longer sequence, published on a recurring basis (usually daily or weekly) in newspapers? or on the Internet. (See also comic.) The comic strip began in 1865 in Germany with Max and Moritz. The great popularity of comics sprang from the newspaper war between [Joseph Pulitzer]? and William Randolph Hearst. The Little Bears (the first American comic with recurring characters), The Yellow Kid (the most successful early comic), and Katzenjammer Kids (the first American multipanel comic) all debuted in the 1890's as part of the Hearst-Pulitzer struggle. The first color comic was The Yellow Kid, also part of the first Sunday comic section in 1897. [Mutt and Jeff]? became the first daily comic strip in 1907. Hundreds of comic strips have followed with many running for decades.

A - Adam - Amazing Spider-Man - [Apartment 3G]? - Archie

B - [B. C.]? - [Baby Blues]? - [Barney Google and Snuffy Smith]? - [Beetle Bailey]? - [The Better Half]? - [Between Friends]? - Bizarro? - Blondie? - [Bloom County]? - [The Born Loser]? - [Bruno the Bandit]? - Buckles? - Beano (comic)

C - Calvin and Hobbes - Cathy? - Crock? - Crook? - Curtis?

D - Dennis the Menace - [Dick Tracy]? - Dilbert - [The Dinette Set]? - Doonesbury - [Doctor Fun]?

E - [Edge City]?

F - [Family Circus]? - [The Far Side]? - [Flash Gordon]? - [For Better or For Worse]? - Foxtrot? - [Frank and Ernest]? - [Funky Winkerbean]?

G - Garfield? - [Gasoline Alley]? - [Girls and Sports]? - [Grin and Bear It]?

H - [Hagar the Horrible]? - Hazel? - Henry? - Herman - [Hi and Lois]? - Horrorscope?

I - [I Need Help]?

J - [Judge Parker]?

K - Katzenjammer Kids - [Kevin and Kell]? - [Krazy Kat]?

L - The Little Bears - [The Lockhorns]? - Luann? - Little Nemo - [Little Orphan Annie]?

M - Max and Moritz - [Mallard Fillmore]? - [Mandrake the Magician]? - [Mark Trail]? - Marmaduke? - Marvin? - [Mary Worth]? - [Moose and Molly]? - [Mother Goose and Grimm]? - [Mutt and Jeff]? - Mutts?

N - [The New Breed]? - [The Norm]? - [Non Sequitur]?

O - [On the Fastrack]? - Outland?

P - Peanuts? - Penny Arcade - Penman? - The Phantom - [Piranha Club]? - Pokey the Penguin - [Pop's Place]? - Popeye - [Prince Valiant]?

Q -

R - Redeye? - [Rex Morgan, M.D.]? - [Rhymes with Orange]? - [Rose is Rose]?

S - [Safe Havens]? - [Sally Forth]? - [Sam and Silo]? - [Sherman's Lagoon]? - Shoe - [Six Chix]? - Sluggy Freelance - [Slylock Fox and Comics for Kids]? - [Smiling Jack]? - Spiderman - [Steve Roper and Mike Nomad]?

T - [Terry and the Pirates]? - [They'll Do It Every Time]? - Tiger - Tintin - - Trudy? - Tumbleweeds?

U - User Friendly

W - Wildwood? - The Wizard of Id - [Whizzer and Chips]? (comic)

Y - The Yellow Kid

Z - Ziggy? - Zippy the Pinhead - Zits?

See also Cartoonists


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Edited November 21, 2001 4:43 am by Dmerrill (diff)