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O.K. On the other hand, just because some dictionaries practice non-interventionist descriptive linguistics is no need for us to pretend that the word had an -o- in it. Let's explain why they're - ummm - misguided? Not following best spelling-practices? Wrong? --MichaelTinkler, who is trying to not be a pedant and failing.

Manning, I think it is well within NPOV to say in parentheses ("often so-spelled by false analogy to xxx; medical and scientific language uses superfetation"). I can't think off the top of my head of any exampls other than phoenix and Phoebus Apollo to pop in. And to the person who said 'it's in a dictionary therefore it is a correct form', I say: hmph --MichaelTinkler, who thinks

Michael, what I said is that it's in a dictionary, therefore it's not fair of us to proclaim it as an incorrect use. I would still discourage it at every opportunity, change it whenever it appears, and point out that its use is based on incorrect Latin. But to say that anyone who uses it is wrong seems to be assuming somewhat more authority than we have. -- Josh Grosse

O.K. On the other hand, just because some dictionaries practice non-interventionist descriptive linguistics is no need for us to pretend that the word had an -o- in it. Let's explain why they're - ummm - misguided? Not following best spelling-practices? Wrong? --MichaelTinkler, who is trying to not be a pedant and failing.

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Last edited December 5, 2001 3:58 am by MichaelTinkler (diff)