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Difference (from prior author revision) (major diff, minor diff)

Changed: 11,65c11,76
* Complex number [diffs]
* Imaginary number [diffs]
* Most remarkable formula [diffs]
* Euler's formula [diffs]
* de Moivres formula [diffs]
* Holomorphic function [diffs]
* Riemann mapping theorem [diffs]
* Weierstrass-Casorati theorem [diffs]
* Pi [diffs]
* Mathematical limit [diffs]
* Theorem of Heine-Borel [diffs]
* Theorem of Bolzano-Weierstrass [diffs]
* Fundamental Theorem of Calculus [diffs]
* Euler-Maclaurin formula [diffs]
* Taylors theorem [diffs]
* Taylor series [diffs]
* Exponential function [diffs]
* Lie group [diffs]
* Lie algebra [diffs]
* Associative algebra [diffs]
* Banach space [diffs]
* Hahn-Banach theorem [diffs]
* Pointless topology [diffs]
* Polynomial [diffs]
* Stone-Weierstrass theorem [diffs]
* Algebraic geometry [diffs]
* Number theory [diffs]
* Binomial coefficient [diffs]
* Binomial theorem [diffs]
* Modular arithmetic [diffs]
* Greatest common divisor [diffs]
* Ring ideal [diffs]
* Discrete Fourier transform [diffs]
* Fast Fourier Transform [diffs]
* Group homomorphism [diffs]
* Group action [diffs]
* Hilberts basis theorem [diffs]
* Vector [diffs]
* Matrix [diffs]
* Determinant [diffs]
* Linear transformation [diffs]
* Tensor [diffs]
* Dual space [diffs]
* Category theory [diffs]
* Mathematical topos [diffs]
* Yoneda lemma [diffs]
* Class [diffs]
* Prime number theorem [diffs]
* Riemann hypothesis [diffs]
* Riemann zeta function [diffs]
* Banach-Tarski Paradox [diffs]
* Four color theorem [diffs]
* Monty Hall problem [diffs]
* Carl Friedrich Gauss [diffs]
* Mathematics [diffs]
* Complex number
* Imaginary number
* Most remarkable formula
* Euler's formula
* de Moivres formula
* Holomorphic function
* Riemann mapping theorem
* Weierstrass-Casorati theorem
* Pi
* Mathematical limit
* Bernouilli inequality
* Theorem of Heine-Borel
* Theorem of Bolzano-Weierstrass
* Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
* Antiderivative
* LHospitals rule
* Euler-Maclaurin formula
* Taylors theorem
* Taylor series
* Exponential function
* Lie group
* Lie algebra
* Associative algebra
* Lebesgue measure
* Hausdorff dimension
* Banach space
* Hahn-Banach theorem
* Pointless topology
* Number theory
* Minkowskis theorem
* Binomial coefficient
* Binomial theorem
* Modular arithmetic
* Greatest common divisor
* Ring ideal
* Ring homomorphism
* Polynomial
* Horner scheme
* Finite field
* Stone-Weierstrass theorem
* Algebraic geometry
* Discrete Fourier transform
* Fast Fourier Transform
* Group homomorphism
* Group action
* Hilberts basis theorem
* Vector
* Matrix
* Determinant
* Linear transformation
* Tensor
* Dual space
* Category theory
* Universal property
* Grothendieck topology
* Mathematical topos
* Yoneda lemma
* Mathematical class
* Prime number theorem
* Riemann hypothesis
* Riemann zeta function
* Banach-Tarski Paradox
* Four color theorem
* Monty Hall problem
* Carl Friedrich Gauss
* Mathematics

Changed: 70,86c81,98
* Goedels Incompleteness Theorem [diffs]
* Matiyasevichs theorem [diffs]
* Continuum hypothesis [diffs]
* Entscheidungsproblem [diffs]
* Lambda calculus [diffs]
* Word problem for groups [diffs]
* Algorithmic information theory [diffs]
* Chaitins constant [diffs]
* Definable number [diffs]
* Computable number [diffs]
* First-order predicate calculus [diffs]
* Goedels ontological proof [diffs]
* Presburger arithmetic [diffs]
* Ordinal [diffs]
* Liar paradox [diffs]
* Epimenides paradox [diffs]
* Principia Mathematica [diffs]
* Goedels Incompleteness Theorem
* Matiyasevichs theorem
* Continuum hypothesis
* Entscheidungsproblem
* Lambda calculus
* Word problem for groups
* Algorithmic information theory
* Chaitins constant
* Definable number
* Computable number
* Ackermann function
* First-order predicate calculus
* Goedels ontological proof
* Presburger arithmetic
* Ordinal
* Liar paradox
* Epimenides paradox
* Principia Mathematica

Changed: 91,104c103,119
* Complexity classes P and NP [diffs]
* Regular language [diffs]
* Context-free grammar [diffs]
* Pumping lemma [diffs]
* History of computing [diffs]
* Computing timeline [diffs]
* Analytical engine [diffs]
* Difference engine [diffs]
* Colossus computer [diffs]
* Turing Test [diffs]
* A.L.I.C.E. [diffs]
* Copyleft [diffs]
* GNU Free Documentation License [diffs]
* Literate programming [diffs]
* Complexity classes P and NP
* Regular language
* Context-free grammar
* Pumping lemma
* Exponentiating by squaring
* History of computing
* Computing timeline
* Analytical engine
* Difference engine
* Colossus computer
* Turing Test
* A.L.I.C.E.
* Copyleft
* GNU Free Documentation License
* Literate programming
* Z notation

Changed: 109,117c124,132
* Quantum mechanics [diffs]
* Uncertainty Principle [diffs]
* Schrodinger wave equation [diffs]
* Wave-Particle duality [diffs]
* Theory of relativity [diffs]
* Color [diffs]
* Refractive index [diffs]
* Prism [diffs]
* Physics [diffs]
* Quantum mechanics
* Uncertainty Principle
* Schrodinger wave equation
* Wave-Particle duality
* Theory of relativity
* Color
* Refractive index
* Prism
* Physics

Changed: 121,137c136,152
* Amway [diffs]
* Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny [diffs]
* Evolutionary timeline [diffs]
* Dimensional analysis [diffs]
* Chess [diffs]
* Chess/Strategy and Tactics [diffs]
* Sept 11 Terrorist Attack [diffs]
* Mohammad Atta [diffs]
* Theodore Kaczynski [diffs]
* Napoleon Bonaparte [diffs]
* Roger Bacon [diffs]
* Peter Singer [diffs]
* Prostitution [diffs]
* Pornography [diffs]
* Child pornography [diffs]
* Landmine [diffs]
* Holocaust [diffs]
* Amway
* Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
* Evolutionary timeline
* Dimensional analysis
* Chess
* Chess/Strategy and Tactics
* Sept 11 Terrorist Attack
* Mohammad Atta
* Theodore Kaczynski
* Napoleon Bonaparte
* Roger Bacon
* Peter Singer
* Prostitution
* Pornography
* Child pornography
* Landmine
* Holocaust

Changed: 141,143c156,158
* How does one edit a page [diffs]
* Searching on Wikipedia [diffs]
* Making fun of Britannica [diffs]
* How does one edit a page
* Searching on Wikipedia
* Making fun of Britannica

I teach math at Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul, Minnesota. I'm also interested in molecular biology, theoretical computer science, free software, (political) philosophy and chess. My home page is at http://math-www.uni-paderborn.de/~axel/.

I have contributed to and taken an active interest in the following Wikipedia articles. Since I don't believe that "intellectual property rights" exist, every word I write is by default, and always, in the public domain.


Logic and Computability





Axel Boldt


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Last edited December 19, 2001 1:22 am by AxelBoldt (diff)