If n is a natural number and f(x) is a smooth (meaning: sufficiently often differentiable?) function defined for all real numbers x between 0 and n, then the integral
n I = ∫ f(x) dx 0can be approximated by the sum
S = f(0)/2 + f(1) + ... + f(n-1) + f(n)/2(see [trapezoidal rule]?). The Euler-Maclaurin formula provides expressions for the difference between the sum and the integral in terms of the higher derivatives f(k) at the end points of the interval 0 and n. For any natural number p, we have
p B2k S - I = ∑ ---- (f(2k-1)(n) - f(2k-1)(0)) + R k=1 (2k)!Here, B2 = 1/6, B4 = -1/30, B6 = 1/42, B8 = -1/30 ... are the [Bernoulli numbers]?.
R is an error term which is normally small if p is large enough and can be estimated as
2 n |R| ≤ ----- ∫ |f(2p+1)(x)| dx (2π)2p 0
By employing the [substitution rule]?, one can adapt this formula also to functions f which are defined on some other interval of the real line.
If f is a polynomial and p is big enough, then the remainder term vanishes. For instance, if f(x) = x3, we can choose p = 2 to obtain after simplification
n ∑ i3 = 1/4 n4 - 1/2 n3 + 1/4 n3. i=0
With the function f(x) = log(x), the Euler-Maclaurin formula can be used to derive precise error estimates for Stirling's formula (see factorial).
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