[Home]Feature requests/Wiki shortcuts

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Added: 34a35,36
* Misspelling redirects. It's useful for searchers and browsers to have misspelled entries which just redirect to the correct spelling, but we want to discourage misspellings in the actual entries, which simply using #REDIRECT doesn't do. Thus the nomenclature #MISSPELLING_OF [[Correct spelling]] would allow us to mark any pages which link to a misspelling, and correct them. See also Page titles to be deleted/Talk

Should this be called Wiki code?

An ISBN link on a page simply appears as "ISBN 123456789X", and links to an external script, for example:


The isbn.pl script could present a standard page that looks roughly like this, where the vendor name itself links to the book's page on the vendor site:

Some standard copy here, blah blah ....

Amazon - blah blah ....

Barnes and Noble - blah blah ....

Pricescan - blah blah ...

With the ISBN code decoupled from the main script, it's easier for a site to implement their own policy regarding book linkages without messing with the vanilla wiki script. UseModWiki upgrades would no longer impact vendor selection. Unlike the current version, all links are explicit and there is room to explain why those vendors were chosen (or why some were left out), and room for a brief description of the vendor. --loh

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Last edited October 18, 2001 12:48 pm by The Cunctator (diff)