[Home]July 4

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Changed: 4,6c4,6
*1776 -- United States' approval of its Declaration of Independence from Great Britain
*1863 -- The Vicksburg Campaign, Civil War- Vicksburg is taken by Union army
*1865 -- Alices Adventures in Wonderland published.
*1776 - United States' approval of its Declaration of Independence from Great Britain
*1863 - The Vicksburg Campaign, Civil War- Vicksburg is taken by Union army
*1865 - Alices Adventures in Wonderland published.

Changed: 9,16c9,16
*1826 -- [Stephen Foster]? (songwriter: "Oh! Susanna," "Camptown Races")
*1872 -- Calvin Coolidge (30th President of the United States)
*1883 -- Rube Goldberg (made complicated inventions to accomplish simple tasks)
*1918 -- [Ann Landers]? (advice columnist and twin sister to Abigail Van Buren, also an advice columnist)
*1918 -- [Abigail Van Buren]? (advice columnist and twin sister to Ann Landers, also an advice columnist)
*1924 -- [Eva Marie Saint]? (actress: North by Northwest, On the Waterfront)
*1930 -- [George Steinbrenner]? (owner of the New York Yankees)
*1943 -- [Geraldo Rivera]? (reporter, talk show host)
*1826 - [Stephen Foster]? (songwriter: "Oh! Susanna," "Camptown Races")
*1872 - Calvin Coolidge (30th President of the United States)
*1883 - Rube Goldberg (made complicated inventions to accomplish simple tasks)
*1918 - [Ann Landers]? (advice columnist and twin sister to Abigail Van Buren, also an advice columnist)
*1918 - [Abigail Van Buren]? (advice columnist and twin sister to Ann Landers, also an advice columnist)
*1924 - [Eva Marie Saint]? (actress: North by Northwest, On the Waterfront)
*1930 - [George Steinbrenner]? (owner of the New York Yankees)
*1943 - [Geraldo Rivera]? (reporter, talk show host)

Changed: 19,20c19,21
*1826 -- Thomas Jefferson
* 1826 -- John Adams
*1826 - Thomas Jefferson
*1826 - John Adams
*1891 - Hannibal Hamlin, US politician

July 4th is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 180 days remaining.




July 3 - July 5 - June 4 - August 4 - more historical anniversaries

See Also: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

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Last edited October 20, 2001 3:01 am by Clasqm (diff)