[Home]World capital cities

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Here is the list of World capitals, in alphabetical order.

A list of capitals sorted by country is also available.

---------------------------------A -------------------------
Abidjan? -- Côte d'Ivoire (Administrative)
Abu Dhabi -- United Arab Emirates
Abuja? -- Nigeria
Accra? -- Ghana
[Addis Ababa]? -- Ethiopia
Algiers -- Algeria
Al-Manámah -- Bahrain (more commonly spelt Manama)
Amman? -- Jordan
Amsterdam -- The Netherlands (Official)
Andorra la Vella -- Andorra
Ankara -- Turkey
Antananarivo? -- Madagascar
Apia? -- Samoa
Ashgabat? -- Turkmenistan
Asmara? -- Eritrea
Astana? -- Kazakhstan
Asunción? -- Paraguay
Athens -- Greece
---------------------------------B -------------------------
Baghdad -- Iraq
Baky -- Azerbaijan
Bamako? -- Mali
[Bandar Seri Begawan]? -- Brunei Darussalam
Bangkok? -- Thailand
Bangui? -- Central African Republic
Banjul? -- The Gambia
Basseterre? -- Saint Kitts and Nevis
Beijing -- China
Beirut? -- Lebanon
Belgrade? -- Yugoslavia
Belmopan? -- Belize
Berlin -- Germany
Bern? -- Switzerland
Bishkek -- Kyrgyzstan
Bissau? -- Guinea-Bissau
Bloemfontein? -- South Africa (Judicial)
[Santafé de Bogotá]? -- Colombia
Brasília -- Brazil
Bratislava -- Slovakia
Brazzaville? -- Congo
Bridgetown? -- Barbados
Brussels -- Belgium
Bucharest? -- Romania
Budapest? -- Hungary
Buenos Aires -- Argentina
Bujumbura? -- Burundi
---------------------------------C -------------------------
Cairo -- Egypt
Canberra -- Australia
Cape Town -- South Africa (Legislative)
Caracas? -- Venezuela
Castries? -- Saint Lucia
Chisinau? -- Moldova
Colombo? -- Sri Lanka (Official)
Conakry? -- Guinea
Copenhagen -- Denmark
Cotonou? -- Benin (de facto capital)
------------------------------- D -E - F -------------------------
Dakar? -- Senegal
Damascus -- Syria
Dar es Salaam -- Tanzania (Administrative)
Delhi? -- India
Dhaka? -- Bangladesh
Djibouti -- Djibouti
Dodoma? -- Tanzania (Official)
Doha? -- Qatar
Dublin -- Ireland
Dushanbe? -- Tajikistan
[El Aaiun]? -- Western Sahara
Freetown? -- Sierra Leone
Funafuti? -- Tuvalu
--------------------------- G - H -I - J -------------------------
Gaborone? -- Botswana
Georgetown? -- Guyana
Guatemala City -- Guatemala
The Hague -- The Netherlands
Hanoi? -- Vietnam
Harare? -- Zimbabwe
Havana? -- Cuba
Helsinki -- Finland
Honiara? -- Solomon Islands
Islamabad? -- Pakistan
Jakarta -- Indonesia
Jerusalem -- Israel
---------------------------------K -------------------------
Kabul -- Afghanistan
Kampala? -- Uganda
Kathmandu -- Nepal
Khartoum -- Sudan
Kiev? -- Ukraine
Kigali? -- Rwanda
Kingston? -- Jamaica
Kingstown? -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Kinshasa? -- Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Koror? -- Palau
Kuala Lumpur -- Malaysia
Kuwait -- Kuwait
---------------------------------L -------------------------
[La Paz]? -- Bolivia (Official)
Libreville? -- Gabon
Lilongwe? -- Malawi
Lima? -- Peru
Lisbon -- Portugal
Ljubljana? -- Slovenia
Lomé? -- Togo
London -- United Kingdom
Luanda -- Angola
Lusaka -- Zambia
Luxembourg -- Luxembourg
---------------------------------M -------------------------
Madrid -- Spain
Majuro? -- Marshall Islands
Malabo? -- Equatorial Guinea
Malé -- Maldives
Managua? -- Nicaragua
Manama -- Bahrain
Manila? -- The Philippines
Maputo? -- Mozambique
Maseru? -- Lesotho
Mbabane? -- Swaziland
Mexico City -- Mexico
Minsk? -- Belarus
Mogadishu? -- Somalia
Monaco -- Monaco
Monrovia? -- Liberia
Montevideo? -- Uruguay
Moroni? -- Comoros
Moscow -- Russia
Muscat? -- Oman
---------------------------------N - O -------------------------
Nairobi -- Kenya
Nassau -- Bahamas
N'Djamena? -- Chad
Niamey? -- Niger
Nicosia? -- Cyprus
Nouakchott? -- Mauritania
Nuku'alofa? -- Tonga
Oslo -- Norway
Ottawa -- Canada
Ouagadougou? -- Burkina Faso
---------------------------------P -------------------------
Palikir? -- Micronesia
[Panama City]? -- Panama
Paramaribo? -- Suriname
Paris -- France
[Phnom Penh]? -- Cambodia
[Port Louis]? -- Mauritius
[Port Moresby]? -- Papua New Guinea
[Port Vila]? -- Vanuatu
Port-au-Prince? -- Haiti
Port-of-Spain? -- Trinidad and Tobago
Porto-Novo? -- Benin (Official)
Prague -- Czech Republic
Praia? -- Cape Verde
Pretoria? -- South Africa (Official)
Pyongyang? -- Korea, North
---------------------------------Q - R -------------------------
Quito? -- Ecuador
Rabat? -- Morocco
Rangoon? -- Myanmar (formerly Burma)
Reykjavik -- Iceland
Riga -- Latvia
Riyadh? -- Saudi Arabia
Rome -- Italy
Roseau? -- Dominica
---------------------------------S -------------------------
San José -- Costa Rica
San Marino -- San Marino
[San Salvador]? -- El Salvador
Sanaá? -- Yemen
Santiago? -- Chile
[Santo Domingo]? -- Dominican Republic
[São Tomé]? -- São Tomé and Príncipe
Sarajevo -- Bosnia and Herzegovina
Seoul -- Korea South
Singapore -- Singapore
Skopje? -- Macedonia
Sofia? -- Bulgaria
[Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte]? -- Sri Lanka (Legislative and judicial)
[St. George's]? -- Grenada
St. John's -- Antigua and Barbuda
Stockholm -- Sweden
Sucre? -- Bolivia (Administrative)
Suva? -- Fiji
---------------------------------T -------------------------
Taipei? -- Taiwan
Tallinn? -- Estonia
Tarawa? -- Kiribati
Tashkent? -- Uzbekistan
Tbilisi? -- Georgia
Tegucigalpa? -- Honduras
Teheran? -- Iran
The Hague -- The Netherlands (Administrative)
Thimphu? -- Bhutan
Tirana -- Albania
Tokyo -- Japan
Tripoli -- Libya
Tunis? -- Tunisia
--------------------------- U - V -W - Y - Z --------------------
Ulan Bator -- Mongolia
Vaduz? -- Liechtenstein
Valletta? -- Malta
Victoria -- Seychelles
Vienna -- Austria
Vientiane? -- Laos
Vilnius -- Lithuania
Warsaw -- Poland
Washington, DC -- United States of America
Wellington -- New Zealand
Windhoek? -- Namibia
Yamoussoukro? -- Côte d'Ivoire (Official)
Yaoundé? -- Cameroon
Yaren? -- Nauru
Yerevan -- Armenia
Zagreb? -- Croatia


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Last edited December 19, 2001 11:49 pm by Karl Palmen (diff)