This is a list of country calling codes needed to access international
telephone services. The numbers are assigned by the
International Telecommunications Union ( in standard E.164.
Zone 0 -- unassigned
Zone 1 -- part of North America
Zone 2 -- mostly Africa
Zone 3 -- Europe
Zone 4 -- Europe
Zone 5 -- [Mexico, Central and South America, West Indies]?
Zone 6 -- South Pacific and Oceania
Zone 7 - Russia and vicinity (former Soviet Union)
Zone 8 -- East Asia and Special Services
- 800 -- International Freephone
- 801 -- unassigned
- 802 -- unassigned
- 803 -- unassigned
- 804 -- unassigned
- 805 -- unassigned
- 806 -- unassigned
- 807 -- unassigned
- 808 -- reserved for Shared Cost Services
- 809 -- unassigned
- 81 -- Japan
- 82 -- South Korea
- 83x -- unassigned
- 84 -- Vietnam
- 850 -- North Korea
- 851 -- unassigned
- 852 -- Hong Kong
- 853 -- Macao
- 854 -- unassigned
- 855 -- Cambodia
- 856 -- Laos
- 857 -- unassigned
- 858 -- unassigned
- 859 -- unassigned
- 86 -- China
- 870 -- Inmarsat "SNAC" service
- 871 -- Inmarsat (Atlantic East)
- 872 -- Inmarsat (Pacific)
- 873 -- Inmarsat (Indian)
- 874 -- Inmarsat (Atlantic West)
- 875 -- reserved for Maritime Mobile service
- 876 -- reserved for Maritime Mobile service
- 877 -- reserved for Maritime Mobile service
- 878 -- Universal Personal Telecommunications services
- 879 -- reserved for national mobile/maritime uses
- 880 -- Bangladesh
- 881 -- Mobile Satellite System
- 882 -- International Networks
- 883 -- unassigned
- 884 -- unassigned
- 885 -- unassigned
- 886 -- Taiwan
- 887 -- unassigned
- 888 -- unassigned
- 889 -- unassigned
- 89x -- unassigned
Zone 9 - West and South Asia, Middle East
See also Country codes, Telephone number.