[Home]Adenylate cyclase

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Adenylate cyclase is a lyase?, an enzyme that catalyzes the reaction, ATP to cAMP. cAMP is an important molecule in eukaryotic signal transduction, a so-called second messenger. The adenylate cyclase is activated by other proteins, the GTPases (aka G proteins). There are eight known AC classes known in mammals.


Adenylate cyclase is a transmembrane protein. It passes through the plasma membrane twelve times. The important parts for its function are located in the cytoplasmatic N- and C-termini, as well as in the C1 domain, a large loop between transmembrane helix six and seven that extends into the cytoplasm as well.

Catalyzed reaction


Adenylate cyclase is stimulated by G proteins, and by forskolin?, as well as other class-specific substrates. The classes I, III and VIII are also reculated by Ca2+/calmodulin?. In neurons, ACs are located next to calcium ion channels for faster reaction to Ca2+ influx; they are suspected of playing an important role in learning processes. This is supported by the fact that ACs are coincidence detectors, meaning that they are only activated by several different signals occurring together.

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Last edited November 14, 2001 8:44 pm by Malcolm Farmer (diff)