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Revision 6 . . February 12, 2001 10:33 pm by RoseParks [*Reply on placement of Language groups.]
Revision 5 . . February 12, 2001 10:53 am by JoshuaGrosse
Revision 4 . . February 12, 2001 4:11 am by RoseParks [*Question on the placement of the SoutEastAsianLanguages on this page.]
Revision 3 . . February 12, 2001 4:04 am by RoseParks
Revision 2 . . February 10, 2001 9:22 am by (logged).bomis.com
Revision 1 . . February 7, 2001 11:00 am by RoseParks

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 20c20,22
Do you think it's necessary to separate out geography of languages like that? As far as national languages go, there's nothing wrong with just linking to them from the appropriate country pages. I think what we probably need is some higher level geographical categories, like SouthEastAsia?, which can handle languages, countries, and a lot more besides.
Do you think it's necessary to separate out geography of languages like that? As far as national languages go, there's nothing wrong with just linking to them from the appropriate country pages. I think what we probably need is some higher level geographical categories, like SouthEastAsia?, which can handle languages, countries, and a lot more besides.

I was just suggesting some way to separate out language families by origin and by geography. I am not wedded to any particular scheme. I wouldn't want readers to assume that SouthEastAsianLanguages are necessarily similar. Also, eventually, casual language descriptions of a particular language shoud be separated from Linguistic analysis of particular languages, I should think. Assuming the content appears...:-).

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