[Home]History of BillClinton

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Revision 11 . . February 6, 2001 1:47 am by (logged).san.rr.com
Revision 10 . . February 5, 2001 10:33 am by RoseParks
Revision 9 . . February 5, 2001 5:58 am by PhillipHankins [this page needs way too much hmwk]
Revision 8 . . February 5, 2001 5:45 am by PhillipHankins
Revision 7 . . February 5, 2001 5:44 am by PhillipHankins
Revision 6 . . February 5, 2001 5:38 am by PhillipHankins
Revision 5 . . February 4, 2001 6:30 am by WojPob [Question]
Revision 4 . . February 4, 2001 6:29 am by WojPob
Revision 3 . . February 4, 2001 4:42 am by (logged).san.rr.com
Revision 2 . . February 4, 2001 3:00 am by WcGing
Revision 1 . . January 25, 2001 5:23 am by JimboWales

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 11a12,19

The UnitedStatesPresident? has the power, under the UnitedStatesConstitution, to pardon people for crimes committed.

Clinton critics argue that Clinton's many last minute pardons were more political than those of the past, and in some cases are baffling except in light of large donations to Clinton campaigns.

Clinton supporters can no doubt point to many other highly political pardons in history, including for example GeraldFord?'s
pardon of RichardNixon?. I'm sure that in the entire sordid history of politics, there have been many other cases of apparent pardons for money.

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