The current Japanese constitution was adopted at the end of WorldWarTwo
Until I finish cutting and pasting the entire constitution here, you may read it in English at [this website] or in Japanese (Nihongo) at [this website].
If you feel like helping me, by all means dig in. :-)
- /PreFace
- /ChapterOne - The Emperor
- /ChapterTwo - Renunciation of War
- /ChapterThree - Rights and Duties of the People
- /ChapterFour - The Diet
- /ChapterFive - The Cabinet
- /ChapterSix - Judiciary
- /ChapterSeven - Finance
- /ChapterEight - Local Self-government
- /ChapterNine - Amendments
- /ChapterTen - Supreme Law
- /ChapterEleven - Supplementary Provisions
- A little bit of stuff at the end...sigs, etc