[Home]History of Vegan

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Revision 12 . . (edit) November 16, 2001 4:46 am by Jagged [Someone else can't spell environmental]
Revision 11 . . (edit) October 30, 2001 11:53 am by Trimalchio
Revision 10 . . (edit) October 30, 2001 11:52 am by Trimalchio
Revision 9 . . (edit) October 4, 2001 5:32 am by Trimalchio
Revision 5 . . September 28, 2001 11:25 am by (logged).251.118.xxx

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 0a1,3

Somtimes spelled "veegan" or "veagan"

Changed: 3,4c6,8
Vegans remove all products that involve animals (including insects) -- for example milk and eggs -- from their lives, usually for ethical and enviromental reasons. There is a bit of variety in the vegan community;
Europeans and Americans not only pronounce it differently, European vegans also generally won't eat honey, while American ones generally will.
Vegans remove all products that involve animals (including insects) -- for example milk and eggs -- from their lives, usually for ethical and environmental reasons.

There is a bit of variety in the vegan community;
Europeans and Americans not only pronounce it differently, European vegans also generally won't eat honey, while American ones generally will. Some vegans won't drink beers and wines clarified with bonemeal (even though the bone meal is not present in the final product), others will. Veganism can be taken to the extreme; some vegans won't eat food cooked in pans if they have ever been used to cook meat, other vegans are content to simply remove meat, fish, eggs, & milk from their diets.

Changed: 8c12
A more strict version of veganism is the macrobiotic diet.
There are more strict versions of veganism. One is the macrobiotic diet. Another is fructarianism, fructarians only eat the fruits of plants (nuts, fruit, beans, peppers, tomatoes, squash etc.).

Added: 9a14,17

See also Vegetarianism

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