[Home]History of Stonehenge

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Revision 9 . . (edit) October 4, 2001 7:00 am by Bryan Derksen
Revision 8 . . October 4, 2001 2:19 am by Sjc [right first time!]
Revision 7 . . October 4, 2001 2:13 am by Sjc
Revision 6 . . (edit) October 4, 2001 12:23 am by (logged).178.1.xxx
Revision 5 . . October 3, 2001 11:52 pm by Sjc [Location]
Revision 4 . . October 3, 2001 11:50 pm by Sjc
Revision 3 . . October 3, 2001 11:46 pm by Sjc [Note about stones and features]
Revision 2 . . (edit) July 13, 2001 9:41 pm by Rmhermen

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
Stonehenge is the name of an archeological site located in England, ca. 8 miles northwest of Salisbury?. It is composed of a circular setting of large standing stones, dated back to 3100 BC. It is located beside the A303? between Amesbury and Stoke in the English county of Wiltshire?.
Stonehenge is the name of an archeological site located in England, ca. 8 miles northwest of Salisbury?. It is composed of a circular setting of large standing stones, dated back to 3100 BC. It is located beside the A303? between Amesbury and Stoke in the English county of Wiltshire?.

Changed: 3c3
The site was added to the UNESCO's World Heritage list in 1986.
The site was added to the UNESCO's World Heritage list in 1986.

Changed: 11c11
*The Heel Stone once known as the Friar's Heel, (possibly a corruption of the Welsh "Freya sul") [Geoffrey of Monmouth]?, in typically folk-loric style, says the devil bought the stones from a woman in Ireland, wrapped them up, and brought them to Salisbury plain. One of the stones fell into the [River Avon]?, the rest were carried to the plain. The devil then cried out, "No-one will ever find out how these stones came here." A friar replied, "That's what you think!," whereupon the devil threw one of the stones at him and struck him on the heel. The stone stuck in the ground, and is still there..
*The Heel Stone once known as the Friar's Heel, (an anglicisation of the Welsh "Ffreya sul", after Ffreya, a druidic goddess of fertility, and sul (pronounced 'seal') meaning Sun Day) [Geoffrey of Monmouth]?, in typically folk-loric style, says the devil bought the stones from a woman in Ireland, wrapped them up, and brought them to Salisbury plain. One of the stones fell into the [River Avon]?, the rest were carried to the plain. The devil then cried out, "No-one will ever find out how these stones came here." A friar replied, "That's what you think!," whereupon the devil threw one of the stones at him and struck him on the heel. The stone stuck in the ground, and is still there..

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