[Home]History of Scandinavian Peninsula

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Revision 4 . . November 2, 2001 6:44 am by Hagedis [changing the description and moving some text to another page.]
Revision 3 . . (edit) August 2, 2001 7:35 pm by Andre Engels

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1,5
The Scandinavian peninsula extends from the Euro-Asian continent towards the European continent, containing the countries Sweden and Norway. It is named from the [Scandinavian mountain range]? separating the two countries. Scandinavia is used as a common name for the the three countries Sweden, Norway, and Denmark and their languages Swedish, Norwegian? and Danish.
The Scandinavian peninsula is located at the northwest corner of
Europe and encloses the Baltic Sea. It extends from Russia and
Finland in the north and almost reaches Denmark in the south.
It contains the countries Norway on the west and Sweden on the east
and is named from the [Scandinavian mountain range]? separating the two countries.

Changed: 3c7
Sometimes Iceland and Finland are also included in this group, but in that case is more correct to speak about the Nordic countries.
See also Scandinavia and Nordic countries.

Removed: 5d8
See the Nordic FAQ at http://www.lysator.liu.se/nordic/

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