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Revision 14 . . April 26, 2001 4:18 am by Josh Grosse
Revision 13 . . April 24, 2001 2:30 pm by Josh Grosse

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 48c48,49
Sorry, I found Hayek's essay is long and not particularly interesting. As far as I can tell he seems to be saying simply that markets are too complex to ever be handled by a single body. It seems to me that that same argument says that nothing complex could ever be governed, and as experience is quite otherwise that does not up my enthusiasm for the piece. However, I will try and develop enough energy later to slosh through it.
I read through Hayek's essay - it wasn't as bad as I thought! It does not seem to me, though, that it precludes the possibility of socialism. Current markets are not dominated by small opportunists, but rather by large corporations, which as centrally controlled organizations should suffer all the same disabilities, but seem not to. Thus either momentary circumstances play far less of a role than he has stated, or more likely there are simply ways which even large central bureaucracies can take advantage of them, and either way effective government control is not ruled out by at least this line of reasoning.

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