[Home]History of Human sexuality

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Revision 41 . . (edit) December 14, 2001 4:36 pm by (logged).2.17.xxx
Revision 40 . . (edit) December 14, 2001 4:36 pm by (logged).2.17.xxx
Revision 39 . . (edit) December 14, 2001 2:52 pm by (logged).61.2.xxx
Revision 38 . . December 14, 2001 2:52 pm by (logged).61.2.xxx
Revision 37 . . (edit) November 13, 2001 1:56 am by (logged).191.188.xxx

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
Like other primates, Homo sapiens uses sexuality for reproduction and maintainance of social bonds.
Like other primates, Homo sapiens uses sexuality for reproduction and maintainance of social bonds.

Changed: 3c3
The complexity of sexual behaviors in humans is produced by our high intelligence and complex societies, rather than being governed almost entirely by instinct as in most other animals.
The complexity of sexual behaviors in humans is produced by our high intelligence and complex societies?, rather than being governed almost entirely by instinct? as in most other animals.

Changed: 6c6
Human sexuality has aspects relating to health, pleasure, and social interactions such as legal and religious taboos.
Human sexuality has aspects relating to health?, pleasure?, and social interactions such as legal and religious taboos?.

Changed: 8c8
:Sexual preference / Sexual orientation
:Sexual preference / Sexual orientation

Changed: 18c18
:Female sexual physiology:
:Female sexual physiology:

Changed: 42c42
::Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS). Caused by the HIV virus.
::Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS). Caused by the HIV virus.

Changed: 49c49
::Paraphilias/ Fetish (Some may be considered [sex crimes]? in various jurisdictions)
::Paraphilias/ Fetish (Some may be considered [sex crimes]? in various jurisdictions)

Changed: 68c68
::Various Paraphilias/Fetishes, depending on the jurisdiction.
::Various Paraphilias/Fetishes, depending on the jurisdiction.

Removed: 76d75

Changed: 78c77,79
See also: abortion, Age of consent, sexism, Gender and sexuality studies, [gender paradigm], [gender paradigms], Marriage

Added: 79a81
See also: abortion, Age of consent, sexism, Gender and sexuality studies, [gender paradigm]?, Marriage

Added: 80a83

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