Most surviving evidence suggests that H. sapiens differentiated from [H. erectus]? between 300,000 and 400,000 years ago. Fossil records indicate that early H. sapiens shared many facial features with H. erectus, yet used tools and hunted game. Few such intermediate forms have been found, though scientists doubt that concomitant evolution would have occurred over a large area.
Important fossils:
The direct evidence suggests that there was a migration out of Africa of H. erectus, then a further speciation of H. sapiens from H. erectus in Africa and a subsequent migration out of Africa which replaced dispersed H. erectus. There is little evidence that this speciation occurred elsewhere, even though some fossil evidence for H. erectus has been found in China. However, the current evidence doesn't preclude multiregional speciation, either. This is a hotly debated area in paleoanthropology?.
The origins of humanity is a subject of great political and religious controversy in the United States and certain other countries. See: creationism.
See also: [Homo neanderthalensis]?. (Note: The taxonomic staus of Neandertals has always been, and remains, a topic of contention. [Homo neanderthalensis]? and [Homo sapiens neanderthalensis]? both have advocates and the "preferred" view may vary from year to year.)
External links:
[A Look at Modern Human Origins]