[Home]History of History of Africa

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sent out a fleet of three small vessels under Jan va
sent out a fleet of three small vessels under Jan van Riebeek
which reached Table Bay on the 6th of April 1652, when,
164 years after its discovery, the first permanent white
settlement was made in South Africa. The Portuguese, whose
power in Africa was already waning, were not in a position
to interfere with the Dutch plans, and England was content
to seize the island of St Helena as her half-way house to the

In its inception the settlement at the Cape was not
intended to become an African colony, but was regarded as the
most westerly outpost of the Dutch East Indies. Nevertheless,
despite the paucity of ports and the absence of navigable
rivers, the Dutch colonists, freed from any apprehension of
European trouble by the friendship between Great Britain and
Holland, and leavened by Huguenot blood, gradually spread
northward, stamping their language, law and religion indelibly
upon South Africa. This process, however, was exceedingly slow.

During the 18th century the slave trade reached its highest development, the trade in gold, ivory, gum and spices being small in comparison.

European Explorers in Africa

Although the Napoleonic wars distracted the attention of
Europe from exploratory work in Africa, those wars nevertheless
exercised great influence on the future of the continent, both
in Egypt and South Africa. The occupation of Egypt (1798-1803)
first by France and then by Great Britain resulted in an
effort by Turkey to regain direct control over that country,5
followed in 1811 by the establishment under Mehemet Ali of
an almost independent state, and the extension of Egyptian
rule over the eastern Sudan (from 1820 onward). In South
Africa the struggle with Napoleon caused Great Britain to take
possession of the Dutch settlements at the Cape, and in 1814
Cape Colony, which had been continuously occupied by British
troops since 1806, was formally ceded to the British crown.

Meantime considerable changes had been made in other parts
of the continent, the most notable being--the occupation of
Algiers by France in 1830, an end being thereby put to the
piratical proceedings of the Barbary states; the continued
expansion southward of Egyptian authority with the consequent
additions to the knowledge of the Nile.
The city of Zanzibar, on the island of that name, founded in 1832 by Seyyid Said of Muscat?, rapidly attained importance.
Accounts of a vast inland sea, and the discovery in 1848-1840, by the missionaries Ludwig Krapf and J. Rebmann, of the snow-clad mountains of Kilimanjaro? and Kenya, stimulated in Europe the desire for further knowledge.

At this period, the middle of the 19th century, Protestant
missions were carrying on active propaganda on the Guinea
coast, in South Africa and in the Zanzibar dominions. Their
work, largely beneficent, was being conducted in regions
and among peoples little known, and in many instances
missionaries turned explorers and became pioneers of trade and
empire. One of the first to attempt to fill up the remaining
blank spaces in the map was [David Livingstone]?, who had
been engaged since 1840 in missionary work north of the
Orange. In 1849 Livingstone crossed the Kalahari Desert
from south to north and reached Lake Ngami, and between
1851 and 1856 he traversed the continent from west to east,
making known the great waterways of the upper Zambezi.
During these journeyings Livingstone discovered, November
1855, the famous Victoria Falls, so named after the queen of
England. In 1858-1864 the lower Zambezi, the Shire and Lake
Nyasa were explored by Livingstone, Nyasa having been first
reached by the confidential slave of Antonio da Silva Porto, a
Portuguese trader established at Bihe in Angola, who crossed
Africa during 1853-1856 from Benguella to the mouth of the

H. Miles Stanley, who had in 1871 succeeded in finding
and succouring Livingstone, started again for Zanzibar in
1874, and in the most memorable of all exploring expeditions
in Africa circumnavigated Victoria Nyanza and Tanganyika, and,
striking farther inland to the Lualaba, followed that river
down to the Atlantic Ocean--reached in August 1877--and proved
it to be the Congo.

While the great mystery of Central Africa was being solved
explorers were also active in other parts of the continent.
Southern Morocco, the Sahara and the Sudan were traversed
in many directions between 1860 and 1875 by Gerhard Rohlfs,
Georg Schweinfurth and Gustav Nachtigal. These travellers
not only added considerably to geographical knowledge,
but obtained invaluable information concerning the people,
languages and natural history of the countries in which they
sojourned.9 Among the discoveries of Schweinfurth was one
that confirmed the Greek legends of the existence beyond
Egypt of a pygmy race. But the first discoverer of the
dwarf races of Central Africa was Paul du Chaillu, who found
them in the Ogowe district of the west coast in 1865, five
years before Schweinfurth's first meeting with the Pygmies;
du Chaillu having previously, as the result of journeys in
the Gabun country between 1855 and 1859, made popular in
Europe the knowledge of the existence of the gorilla, perhaps
the gigantic ape seen by Hanno the Carthaginian, and whose
existence, up to the middle of the 19th century, was thought
to be as legendary as that of the Pygmies of Aristotle.

Partition among European Powers

In the last quarter of the 19th century the map of Africa was
transformed. After the discovery of the Congo the story
of exploration takes second place; the continent becomes
the theatre of European expansion. Lines of partition,
drawn often through trackless wildernesses, marked out the
possessions of Germany, France, Great Britain and other
powers. Railways penetrated the interior, vast areas were
opened up to civilized occupation, and from ancient Egypt
to the Zambezi the continent was startled into new life.

The causes which led to the partition of Africa may now be
considered. They are to be found in the economic and political
state of western Europe at the time. Germany, strong and
united as the result of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870,
was seeking new outlets for her energies --new markets for
her growing industries, and with the markets, colonies.
Yet the idea of colonial expansion was of slow growth in
Germany, and when Prince Bismarck at length acted Africa was
the only field left to exploit, South America being protected
from interference by the known determination of the United
States to enforce the Monroe Doctrine, while Great Britain,
France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain already held
most of the other regions of the world where colonization was

For different reasons the war of 1870 was also the
starting-point for France in the building up of a new colonial
empire. In her endeavour to regain the position lost in
that war France had to look beyond Europe. To the two causes
mentioned must be added others. Great Britain and Portugal,
when they found their interests threatened, bestirred themselves,
while Italy also conceived it necessary to become an African
power. Great Britain awoke to the need for action too late to
secure predominance in all the regions where formerly hers was
the only European influence. She had to contend not only with
the economic forces which urged her rivals to action, but had
also to combat the jealous opposition of almost every European
nation to the further growth of British power. Italy alone
acted throughout in cordial co-operation with Great Britain.

It was not, however, the action of any of the great powers
of Europe which precipitated the struggle. This was brought
about by the ambitious projects of [Leopold II]?, king of the
Belgians. The discoveries of Livingstone, Stanley and others
had aroused especial interest among two classes of men in western
Europe, one the manufacturing and trading class, which saw in
Central Africa possibilities of commercial development, the
other the philanthropic and missionary class, which beheld in the
newly discovered lands millions of savages to Christianize and
civilize. The possibility of utilizing both these classes in
the creation of a vast state, of which he should be the chief,
formed itself in the mind of Leopold II even before Stanley
had navigated the Congo. The king's action was immediate; it
proved successful; but no sooner was the nature of his project
understood in Europe than it provoked the rivalry of France
and Germany, and thus the international struggle was begun.

Conflicting ambitions of the European powers

King Leopold's ambitions have already been indicated. The part of the continent to which from the first he directed his energies was the equatorial region. In September 1876 he took what may be described as the first definite step in the modern partition of the continent. He summoned to a conference at Brussels
representatives of Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia, to deliberate on the best
methods to be adopted for the exploration and civilization of
Africa, and the opening up of the interior of the continent
to commerce and industry. The conference was entirely
unofficial. The delegates who attended neither represented
nor pledged their respective governments. Their deliberations
lasted three days and resulted in the foundation of "The
International African Association," with its headquarters at
Brussels. It was further resolved to establish national
committees in the various countries represented, which should
collect funds and appoint delegates to the International
Association. The central idea appears to have been to put the
exploration and development of Africa upon an international
footing. But it quickly became apparent that this was an
unattainable ideal. The national committees were soon working
independently of the International Association, and the
Association itself passed through a succession of stages until
it became purely Belgian in character, and at last developed
into the Congo Free State, under the personal sovereignty
of King Leopold.

For some time before 1884 there had been growing up a
general conviction that it would be desirable for the powers
who were interesting themselves in Africa to come to some
agreement as to "the rules of the game," and to define
their respective interests so far as that was practicable.
Lord Granville's ill-fated treaty brought this sentiment
to a head, and it was agreed to hold an international
conference on African affairs.

The Berlin Conference of 1884-85

The conference assembled at Berlin on the 15th of November
1884, and after protracted deliberations the "General Act of
the Berlin Conference" was signed by the representatives of
all the powers attending the conference, on the 26th of February
1885. The powers represented were Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Belgium, Denmark, Spain, the United States, France, Great
Britain, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden and
Norway, and Turkey, to name them in the alphabetical order
adopted in the preamble to the French text of the General
Act. Ratifications were deposited by all the signatory powers
with the exception of the United States. It is unnecessary
to examine in detail the results of the labours of the
conference. The General Act dealt with six specific subjects:
(1) freedom of trade in the basin of the Congo, (2) the slave
trade, (3) neutrality of territories in the basin of the Congo,
(4) navigation of the Congo, (5) navigation of the Niger,
(6) rules for future occupation on the coasts of the African
continent. It will be seen that the act dealt with other
matters than the political partition of Africa; but, so far as
they concern the present purpose, the results effected by the
Berlin Act may be summed up as follows. The signatory powers
undertook that any fresh act of taking possession on any portion
of the African coast must be notified by the power taking
possession, or assuming a protectorate, to the other signatory
powers. It was further provided that any such occupation to be
valid must be effective. It is also noteworthy that the first
reference in an international act to the obligations attaching
to "spheres of influence" is contained in the Berlin Act.

From 1885 the scramble among the powers went on with renewed
vigour, and in the fifteen years that remained of the
century the work of partition, so far as international
agreements were concerned, was practically completed.

Text from 1911 encyclopedia. Please update as needed.

Some history of Africa from about 1885-2000. Not added by an expert, but this history ends too soon.

1900's. Conflict between the UK and Dutch settlers. The Boer War.
:Relationship to "Victorian Era" in the UK.
1940's. Pre-WW2 and World War Two in Africa.
:North Africa. Deutche Africa Korps. Tank warfare in the desert.
:Importance of Egypt to the UK.
:US invasion of Algeria.
1940's -- 1990's. Apartheid in South Africa.
:Conflict between Afrikaans-speakers and English-speakers.
:Establishment of "homelands".
:South African military efforts in Angola.
:International trade sanctions.
:Conflict between ANC and Zulu factions.
:End of Aparteid and establishment of new constitution.
1960's. De-colonialization of much of sub-Saharan Africa.

See historical African place names for names not used in present-day states.

Central Africa

* Equatorial Guinea
* Central African Republic
* Chad
* Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Republic of the Congo

Eastern Africa

* Burundi
* Comoros
* Djibouti
* Eritrea
* Ethiopia
* Kenya
* Seychelles
* Rwanda
* Tanzania
* Uganda

Northern Africa

* Algeria
* Ceuta
* Egypt
* Libya
* Mauritania
* Melilla?
* Morocco
* Sudan
* Tunisia
* Western Sahara

Southern Africa

* Angola
* Botswana
* Lesotho
* Madagascar
* Malawi
* Mauritius
* Mozambique
* Namibia
* Reunion
* Swaziland
* South Africa
* Zambia
* Zimbabwe

Western Africa

* Benin
* Burkina Faso
* Cameroon
* Cape Verde
* Gabon
* Gambia
* Ghana
* Guinea-Bissau
* Liberia
* Mali
* Niger
* Nigeria
* Sao Tome and Principe
* Senegal
* Togo

Highlights of this section: History of Egypt
Colonization of Africa

''For convenience Africa has been divided into subregions using the
present-day political boundaries. However the linked pages are not restricted
to the history of the present-day states. To link to a topic that doesn't have an obvious focus within one of the regions below, create a link here at the top level and/or link it within multiple region pages.''


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