[Home]History of Heimdall

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Revision 3 . . August 18, 2001 2:52 am by Sjc
Revision 2 . . August 17, 2001 4:06 pm by (logged).112.165.xxx

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Heimdall is one of the gods in the Norse Mythology. He is the guardian that is to blow the [Giallar horn]? if a danger approaches Asgard. His senses are so acute that he can hear the grass grow and he can see to the end of the world.
Heimdall is one of the gods in the Norse Mythology. He is the guardian that is to blow the [Giallar horn]? if a danger approaches Asgard. His senses are so acute that he can hear the grass grow and he can see to the end of the world. He is moreover the guardian of the Bifrost Bridge. His name means the pole of the world.

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