[Home]History of Genocide

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Revision 61 . . (edit) November 25, 2001 6:16 am by Rmhermen
Revision 60 . . (edit) November 25, 2001 12:01 am by The Anome [copy-edited link from 'Armenian']
Revision 59 . . November 24, 2001 9:20 am by ErdemTuzun
Revision 58 . . November 1, 2001 12:22 pm by (logged).109.250.xxx [restoring list until we discuss whether merging them is a good idea]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 69,72c69,70
* Armenian genocide by the [Young Turk]? government (1915-1923)
** Approximately 0.6-1.5 millions Armenians in Ottoman Empire were killed [2].

* Turkey continues (2001) to ban the use of the Kurdish language, and refuses to recognize the Kurds as an ethnic group.
* Armenian genocide by the [Young Turk]? government (1915-1923)
** Approximately 0.6-1.5 millions Armenians in Ottoman Empire were killed [2].

Changed: 75c73
** [Lord Jeffrey Amherst]? is believed to have spread smallpox among Native Americans intentionally during the [French and Indian War]? by distributing infected blankets. See [http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/amherst/lord_jeff.html].
** [Lord Jeffrey Amherst]? approved spreading smallpox among Native Americans intentionally during [Pontiacs Rebellion]? by distributing infected blankets. See [http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/amherst/lord_jeff.html].

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