[Home]History of Drachma

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Revision 8 . . (edit) September 18, 2001 3:18 am by Zundark [BCE -> BC]
Revision 7 . . (edit) August 22, 2001 5:50 am by MichaelTinkler
Revision 5 . . August 22, 2001 3:34 am by MichaelTinkler

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 3c3
It is difficult to give even comparative values for money from before the 20th century. Classical historians regularly say that in the 5th century B.C.E. the daily wage for a laborer was one drachma. The Greek historian Polybius, writing about the Roman armies during the Carthaginian wars, says that the daily wage of a cavalryman was 1 drachma, while an infantryman received 2 obols (one third as much) -- this is besides their daily grain ration.
1. Modern Greek currency, replaced by the Euro.

Changed: 5c5
The 5th century Athenian 4 drachma piece had a profile bust of Athena on the front and her owl on the obverse.
2. Ancient currency unit found in many Greek city states and successor states.

Added: 6a7
It is difficult to give even comparative values for money from before the 20th century. Classical historians regularly say that in the 5th century B.C. the daily wage for a laborer was one drachma. The Greek historian Polybius, writing about the Roman armies during the Carthaginian wars, says that the daily wage of a cavalryman was 1 drachma, while an infantryman received 2 obols (one third as much) -- this is besides their daily grain ration.

Added: 7a9
The 5th century Athenian 4 drachma piece had a profile bust of Athena on the front and her owl on the obverse.

Removed: 13d14

Added: 15a17

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