[Home]History of Braveheart

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Revision 11 . . (edit) November 5, 2001 2:45 am by H.W.
Revision 10 . . November 5, 2001 2:32 am by Aristotle
Revision 9 . . November 5, 2001 1:25 am by Sjc

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1,4c1,2
Braveheart is a controversial American film the historical accuracy of
which is disputed by many historians, including Scots. The film gave a political boost the Scottish National Party.

It starred [Mel Gibson]? playing William Wallace, a major Scottish hero.
Braveheart is a controversial American film, the historical accuracy of
which is disputed by many historians, including Scots. The film gave a political boost to the Scottish National Party and starred [Mel Gibson]? playing William Wallace, a major Scottish hero.

Changed: 8c6
Some Scots historians point out many inaccuracies within the film and oppose it as a distorted portrayal of the events the film purported to represent. For a more historically accurate picture the book 'William Wallace' by [Andrew Fisher]?, is recommended. we ought to be doing this under William Wallace...
Some Scots historians point out many inaccuracies within the film and oppose it as a distorted portrayal of the events the film purported to represent. For a historical treatment of events see the William Wallace entry when it is more than a stub.

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