AND BY THE WAY YOU SILLY PERSON, The so-called Germans who lived there when the Slavs invaded were nothing of the sort -- at least not in the way you mean. They were most likely a combination of Franks, Saxons, and perhaps a few other tributary people brought in to guard the march. You can's say the Franks were German. It's not the same. If you insist on it, then you also have to accept that they were French, which reduces the "Germans owned Prussia first" argument to the irrelevant. Oh wait...that's right...the French are really German, so really, it's ok for the Kaiser to just kind of absorb France into the Empire...JHK Aren't the Franks usually considered to be German? They spoke a Germanic language, hailed from the area, and were called such by contemporaries. Of course the ancient Germans are not the same people as the modern Germans, but still, it seems somewhat odd to protest the title.