[Home]History of Biotechnology

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Revision 12 . . November 30, 2001 1:40 am by (logged).118.131.xxx
Revision 11 . . November 18, 2001 6:38 am by (logged).144.103.xxx
Revision 10 . . November 18, 2001 6:37 am by (logged).144.103.xxx
Revision 9 . . November 18, 2001 6:37 am by (logged).144.103.xxx
Revision 8 . . October 28, 2001 5:43 am by Magnus Manske [If we mention BT corn, let's link there, not just to corn]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 7c7
Although biotechnology is publicly associated with cloning and selecting your childrens' traits before they are born, these make up a very small part of the applications.
Although biotechnology is publicly associated with cloning and selecting your childrens' traits before they are born, the goal of biotechnology is to advance the tools of medicine and solve problems related to the production of biologically derived products, not the whimsical manipulation of life.

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