[Home]History of Beijing

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Revision 7 . . December 5, 2001 9:48 am by (logged).192.137.xxx
Revision 6 . . November 20, 2001 3:15 pm by Chenyu
Revision 5 . . November 5, 2001 1:37 pm by (logged).4.254.xxx

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Beijing (北京 pinyin bei3 jing1) is the capital city of the Peoples Republic of China. It was known as Peking before China standardized on Pinyin for transliteration. In China, the city is also known as bei ping or abbreviated as jing. Beijing literally means "northern capital".
Beijing (北京 pinyin bei3 jing1) is the capital city of the Peoples Republic of China. It was known as Peking before China standardized on Pinyin for transliteration. In China, the city is also known as bei ping (北平) or abbreviated as jing (京). Beijing literally means "northern capital".

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