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Revision 7 . . (edit) August 14, 2001 10:42 pm by (logged).232.67.xxx
Revision 5 . . August 14, 2001 7:58 pm by MichaelTinkler [*removing a REALLY bad entry, mainly]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 20c20,22
The one-for-one analysis of the Sublime (a concept popularized in the Rococo era by Burke, by the way) with Absolutism needs a lot more justification. --MichaelTinkler, self-appointed Wikipedia art editor.
The one-for-one analysis of the Sublime (a concept popularized in the Rococo era by Burke, by the way) with Absolutism needs a lot more justification. --MichaelTinkler, self-appointed Wikipedia art editor.

I hate providing links to external sites - who knows if they'll stay up? But even more I hate writing without pictures. That's what philosophers who do aesthetics do. Most of the St. Theresa in Ecstasy sites are class resource pages, and those seldom last forever. --MichaelTinkler

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