[Home]History of Atlas Shrugged/Structure

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Revision 12 . . (edit) July 9, 2001 2:51 pm by Arno [Added /n between chapters]
Revision 10 . . May 3, 2001 2:54 pm by TimShell [Details about the book are available on the book page.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Added: 49a50,70
Chapter 1 - The Man who Belonged on Earth

Chapter 2 - The Aristocracy of Pull

Chapter 3 - White blackmail

Chapter 4 - The Sanction of the Victim

Chapter 5 - Account Overdrawn

Chapter 6 - Miracle Metal

Chapter 7 - The Moratorium on Brains

Chapter 8 - By Our Love

Chapter 9 - The Face without Pain or Fear or Guilt

Chapter 10 - The Sign of the Dollar

Added: 50a72,91

Chapter 1 - Atlantis

Chapter 2 - The Utopia of Greed

Chapter 3 - Anti-Greed

Chapter 4 - Anti-Life

Chapter 5 - The Brother's Keeprs

Chapter 6 - The Concerto of Deliverance

Chapter 7 - "This is John Galt Speaking"

Chapter 8 - The Egoist

Chapter 9 - The Generator

Chapter 10 - In the Name of the Best within Us

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