[Home]History of Andrew Johnson

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Revision 3 . . November 13, 2001 2:33 am by Hajhouse [copyediting and injecting some new facts]
Revision 2 . . September 26, 2001 11:06 pm by Vicki Rosenzweig

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1,3c1
Andrew Johnson was the 17th (1865-1869) president of the United States. He became president when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Johnson was impeach?ed because of a political dispute, and acquitted by a single vote in the Senate?.
Andrew Johnson was the 17th president of the United States, serving 1865--1869. He became president when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Johnson presided over the reconstruction of the United States following the American Civil War.

Added: 4a3
Johnson's conciliatory policies towards the defeated rebels and his vetoes of civil rights bills embroiled him in a bitter dispute with the radical faction of congress, leading the House of Representatives to impeach him on March 3, 1868, but he was subsequently acquitted by a single vote in the Senate?.

Changed: 8c7,13
* Vice President:
* Vice President: none

External references

* Newspaper clippings, 1865--1869: http://www.impeach-andrewjohnson.com/
* Johnson's obituary, from the New York Times: http://starship.python.net/crew/manus/Presidents/aj2/aj2obit.html

Changed: 10c15

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