[Home]History of Agincourt

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Revision 11 . . November 15, 2001 2:54 am by Sjc [wikified]
Revision 10 . . (edit) November 14, 2001 10:53 pm by TwoOneTwo

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From 1911 encyclopedia:
AGINCOURT (AZINCOURT), a village of northern France in
the department of Pas de Calais, 14 m. N.W. of St Pol by
road, famous on account of the victory, on the 25th of October
1415, of [Henry V]? of England over the French.
AGINCOURT (AZINCOURT), a village of northern France in the department of [Pas de Calais]?, 14 miles to the north-west of [St Pol]? by road, famous on account of the victory, on October 25 1415, of [Henry V]? of England over the French in the Battle of Agincourt.

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