[Home]History of Abu Sayyaf

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Revision 2 . . October 12, 2001 1:23 am by TimShell
Revision 1 . . October 12, 2001 1:20 am by TimShell

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1,2
Abu Sayyaf is a separatist group of Islamic militants in the Philippines. They operate in southern islands such as Basilan?. The group is accused of bombings and other terrorist acts in the Philippines and is reportedly tied to Osama bin Laden
Abu Sayyaf is a separatist group of Islamic militants in the Philippines. They operate in southern islands such as
Jolo?, Basilan?, and Mindanao. The group is accused of kidnappings, bombings and other terrorist acts in the Philippines and is reportedly tied to Osama bin Laden.

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