The basic concepts of set theory are set and membership. A set is thought of as any collection of objects, called the members (or elements) of the set. In mathematics, the members of sets are any mathematical objects, and in particular can themselves be sets. Thus one speaks of the set of natural numbers (0,1,2,3,4,...), the set of real numbers, the set of functions from the natural numbers to the natural numbers, but also, for example, of the set {0,2,N} which has as members the numbers 0 and 2 and the set N of natural numbers.
For an informal treatment of 'intuitive set theory', click here.
Cantor's basic discovery, which got set theory going as a new field of study, was that if we define two sets A and B to have the same number of members (the same cardinality) when there is a way of pairing off members of A exhaustively with members of B, then the set N of natural numbers has the same cardinality as the set Q of rational numbers (they are both said to be countably infinite), but the set R of real numbers does not have the same cardinality as N or Q. Cantor gave two proofs that R is not countable, and the second of these, using what is known as the diagonal construction, has been extraordinarily influential and has had manifold applications in logic and mathematics. Cantor went right ahead and constructed infinite hierarchies of infinite sets, the ordinal and cardinal numbers.
An important subfield in set theory is the study of cofinality.
The appearance around the turn of the century of the so-called set-theoretical paradoxes, such as Russell's Paradox, prompted the formulation in 1908 by [Ernst Zermelo]? of an axiomatic theory of sets. The axioms for set theory now most often studied and used are those called the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms, usually together with the axiom of choice. The Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms are commonly abbreviated to ZF, or ZFC if the axiom of choice is included.
An important feature of ZFC is that every object that it deals with is a set. In particular, every element of a set is itself a set. Other familiar mathematical objects, such as numbers, must be subsequently defined in terms of sets.
The axioms of ZFC are listed below. (Strictly speaking, the axioms of ZFC are just strings of logical symbols. What follows should therefore be viewed only as an attempt to express the intended meaning of these axioms in English.)
See also the individual articles on the axiom of choice and the axiom of regularity.