[Home]KIPS architecture

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The KIPS architecture is a simple 16-bit word-addressed RISC microprocessor architecture designed for use in embedded systems, patterned somewhat after the MIPS architecture. It was designed by Damian Yerrick and [Jon Gilpin]? at [Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology]?, presumably as a final project in Rose's CS232, Computer Architecture.

The instruction set is designed for somewhat easy assembly language coding. A simulator and disassembler are provided with the development kit; these are released as free software. The reference assembler is still in development.

External signals

The existing implementation of the KIPS architecture uses a 16-bit address bus and 16-bit data bus and can address up to 65,536 16-bit words of memory. The other pins include CLK, /RESET, PWR, and GND. The initial processor has no interrupt pull lines.

When the system starts, it jumps to address 0, which generally contains a long jump (lui, or, jr) to the initial program. Future versions may jump to other low-numbered addresses when they receive an interrupt.

A simulator can represent the memory and registers thus:

unsigned short mem[65536]; /* 16-bit address and data bus */
unsigned short reg[8];     /* eight general-purpose registers */

Registers and calling conventions

KIPS has eight registers:
$0$ataccumulator; used for expanding macros
$1$t1param 1; return value
$2$t2param 2; caller saved
$3$t3param 3; caller saved
$4$s4callee saved
$5$s5callee saved
$6$rareturn address
$7$spstack/frame pointer

Instruction formats

The KIPS architecture's 16-bit instructions are laid out on this general plan:
|||||||+++++++++- Extra fields
||||+++---------- a register
++++------------- opcode
Or, in more detail:
     fedc  b a 9   8   7   6    5   4   3    2   1   0   Type
let  0000  src1... src2.......  dest.......  ALUfunc     R
lui  0001  reg.... 0   imm.............................. I
lw   0010  reg.... addr.......  offset.................. L
sw   0011  reg.... addr.......  offset.................. L
jl   0100  reg.... offset............................... I
jr   0101  reg.... (unused)                              I
bnz  0110  reg.... offset............................... I
bz   0111  reg.... offset............................... I
leti 1func dest... imm.................................. I

The initial implementation uses a multicycle datapath. Cycle-by-cycle descriptions of the initial implementation follow each instruction's description.

Cycle operations: before decoding

Cycle 1: instruction = mem[pc]; pc += 1;
Cycle 2: a = reg[instruction[b..9]]; b = reg[instruction[8..6]]; aluout = pc + sex(instruction[8..0]);

This leaves the branch destination in aluout.

Detailed descriptions of instructions

let and leti (8 instructions)

The let family of instructions performs ALU functions on numbers contained in registers, or a register and an immediate value in [-256..255]. The function codes are as follows:

000shla << b*
001slta < b (unsigned)
010suba - b
011adda + b
100xora xor b
101ora or b
110anda and b

*Initial prototypes do not contain the shl instruction because of the difficulty of modeling a [barrel shifter]? in Capilano DesignWorks?.

Five of these operations (sub through and) have the same function codes as the corresponding operations on the standard 74LS382? ALU.

The let instruction puts the contents of two registers through the ALU and stores the result in another register, which may be the same as one of the source registers. On the other hand, leti instructions always store their result in the source register; this leaves nine bits for the immediate value, allowing both unsigned 8-bit bytes and signed values to be specified in one instruction.

For example, the forms of the add instruction are add dest, src1, src2 // dest = src1 + src2<br /> add dest, 235 // dest = dest + 235 Other let-family instructions are similar.

Cycle operations: let
Cycle 3: aluout = func(a, b);
Cycle 4: reg[instruction[5..3]] = i;
Cycle operations: leti
Cycle 3: aluout = func(a, sex(instruction[8..0]));
Cycle 4: reg[instruction[b..9]] = i;

lui (1 instruction)

li can load any immediate value between -256 and 255 into a register.
// this loads a number between -256 and 255<br /> li reg, 169

So how does a larger value get loaded? The lui instruction loads an immediate value into a register shifted left eight bits; an `or' instruction (see leti) can fill in the low eight bits.

// this loads any number<br /> lui reg, 0x12<br /> or reg, 0x34
An assembler will change an out-of-range li into an lui/or pair.
Cycle operations: lui
3: reg[instruction[b..9]] = instruction[7..0] << 8;

lw and sw (2 instructions)

lw copies a word from memory into a register. sw copies a word from a register into memory. The address in each case is a 6-bit signed offset plus the value of the specified register, allowing stack frames to be up to 32 words in length.

li $1, 0x2080 // expands into lui + or pair<br /> lw $2, 4($1) // copies the value in mem[0x2084] to $2
Cycle operations: lw
Cycle 3: aluout = sex(ir[5..0]) + b;
Cycle 4: memdata = mem[aluout];
Cycle 5: reg[instruction[b..9]] = memdata;
Cycle operations: sw
Cycle 3: aluout = b + sex(ir[5..0]);
Cycle 4: mem[aluout] = a;

jl (1 instruction)

jl (jump link) jumps to a PC-relative address, storing the return address in the given register (an assembler assumes $6 if none is specified). There is no plain jump instruction; a jl can store the return address in an unused (garbage) register if necessary.

Cycle operations: jl
Cycle 3: reg[instruction[b..9]] = pc; pc = aluout;

jr (1 instruction)

jr (jump register; jump return) jumps to the address in the given register (an assembler assumes $6 if none is specified). Often used to return from a function or to jump farther than 255 words. (load the address using lui/or).

Cycle operations: jr
Cycle 3: pc = a;

bz and bnz

bnz (branch nonzero) jumps to a PC-relative address if the given register contains a nonzero value. bz (branch zero) does the opposite. (Comparing a register to zero instead of to another register frees up three bits for the branch destination.) Assemblers may support macroinstructions (such as bne, beq, blt, bgt, ble, bge) that expand comparisons into an slt/bz pair, an xor/bnz pair, etc. using $0.

Cycle operations: bnz
Cycle 3: if(a != 0) pc = aluout;
Cycle operations: bz
Cycle 3: if(a == 0) pc = aluout;

Want more?

If you so request (on Damian Yerrick's whiteboard), Damian may post more information.

What if we want less? In all seriousness, is a CompArch? processor worth an _encyclopedia_entry_? -- EdwardOConnor

Of course it is ! That's why Wikipedia is so much better than paperpedias. --Taw

Maybe you don't understand. This "KIPS architecture" is the result of a sophomore-level required project. Thousands upon thousands of CS and ECE students the world over design toy processors like this for class every year. I don't think that we should have an encyclopedia article on each and every one, and this particular exemplar isn't distinguished from the rest in any remotely significant way. So next Fall, will Damian write an encyclopedia article on the Scheme interpreter he'll be required to write in CS304? This strikes me as absurd. This is like someone posting an essay (written for a sophomore-level Philosophy class) on their own personal take on epistemology, in an article called "KIPS epistemology" or some such. -- EdwardOConnor

You mean that such processor doesn't exist in hardware ? In that case ... --Taw

Right. So, what should be done? Surely, the content is good, it just doesn't seem to fit into the idea that Wikipedia is an encyclopedia. -- EdwardOConnor

I've gotta agree with Ted (EdwardOConnor). Maybe we could move this article, temporarily, to Wikipedia commentary. (And thence probably to a special section of the metawiki which will probably exist soon.) --LMS

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Edited November 9, 2001 9:05 am by Larry Sanger (diff)