Be aware that you are most likely not the best judge of your own work. Even if you think a page you have contributed a large majority of the content to is brilliant, it is best that you wait for somebody else to recognise it as such.
Pythagorean Theorem -- ordinal -- statistics (the whole area) -- Classical Mechanics -- Quantum Mechanics -- periodic table -- carbon -- alchemy -- Biology (many excellent pages here, and a good start generally) -- cladistics -- protista (the whole area) -- DNA -- Astronomy and Astrophysics -- Comet -- Earth -- Paleontology -- geologic ages (and related pages) -- game theory -- Global warming -- LSD
History -- History of Levant -- Behistun Inscription -- Peloponnesian War -- Byzantine Empire -- History of Egypt -- History of United States -- World War I -- History of Germany -- East Germany -- Netherlands/History -- History of England -- History of Scotland -- Chinese history -- History of Science and Technology -- Nagasaki -- September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack -- Battle of Jutland
Language -- Language (some of the individual language pages are excellent) -- Japanese language -- British English -- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (excellent summary of a contentious topic) -- Hebrew language
Politics -- Anarchism -- Capitalism -- Democracy -- countries of the world (the CIA pages, anyway; hey, the CIA did a great job!) -- Voting system -- propaganda -- City (a few of the city articles are good) -- Prime Minister of Australia
Economics -- Economics -- Capitalism -- market forms (and related pages) -- prisoners dilemma
Law -- intellectual property -- copyright (and related pages) -- trade secret -- Law (bunches of good brief articles) -- hate crime -- negligence -- Terrorism
Sociology -- Milgram experiment -- Disabilities/Disability Etiquette
Echelon -- code -- The Singularity -- Linux -- computer system -- World Wide Web -- Search Engine -- markup language -- ASCII -- Computer Security -- information theory -- (probably others about Computing) -- Road Transport
Chess/Strategy and Tactics -- Spacecraft Propulsion -- Star Trek -- science fiction -- film theory -- Paramount -- horse-breaking -- horseshoe -- bulldogging -- jazz -- punk rock -- disco -- hip hop -- freestyle music -- musical instrument -- saxophone -- Hammond Organ -- Greek Mythology (and related pages) -- Christianity -- Catholicism -- Protestantism -- The Book of Mormon -- Scientology -- political correctness -- Game (this whole area is excellent) -- Go -- Poker (amazing!) -- Sheepshead -- Bridge -- video game (a great start) -- Stone, Paper, Scissors -- Summer Olympic Games -- Talking Heads -- calendar -- Norse Mythology (category) -- Pickup -- Hebrew Calendar -- Anno Domini -- Freemasonry -- baseball
Mortimer Adler -- Achilles -- Alexander the Great -- Humphrey Bogart -- Paul Erdos -- Ernest Hemingway -- Jim Henson -- Alfred Hitchcock -- Homer -- Stephen King -- Rudyard Kipling -- Lamarck -- Mozart -- Joshua A. Norton -- Perseus -- H. G. Wells -- Eugene Wigner -- Ibn Battuta
Wikipedia FAQ -- Wikipedia NEWS -- WikiProject U.S. States
Again, feel free to add to the list when you feel an article deserves the mention! Perhaps some of these may be pages for the Wikipedia/Article a day queue list.